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Stop motion style


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Hi all,

Here is a style that produces the stitching of an image with a title using stop motion animation effect. The demonstration video uses the same style with 4 different images.

Style is compatible with PTE version 9.




Best regards,


Stop motion animation.ptestyle

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I came across this style and it is fascinating.  I am still pretty much a novice with this program and enjoy using styles for my travelogue shows I create but have never really created a style (but maybe tweaked those I found).  But this particular one seems exceptionally complex and I cannot even figure out the logic to creating it.  Do you happen to have a description of the basic steps used to create this written in a "for dummies" manner?



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Hello Doug,

Here are some explanations that I hope will be enough to understand the principles of the animation effect. The composition is indeed quite complex and requires a lot of patience to understand it (and eventually modify it).

First of all, the image is cut into 36 pieces. Each piece of the image is contained in a rectangular mask to which a small rotation is applied (this rotation gives a slightly disordered effect to the final assembly). The whole of this mask is itself integrated into another mask to produce a shadow effect (the colour of the shadow can be adjusted with the Shadow color rectangle object).

The jerky effects are applied to each of the masks embedding a piece of the image (Piece mask n). These jerky movements are obtained by successive positioning of the image piece. They are parameterised in a series of key frames (pan x, y and rotation). These jerky movements are contrary to the fluidity generally sought for projections. To obtain this fast movement effect, I pushed the speed sliders to the maximum and doubled this animation effect.


Best regards,


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