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Posts posted by baumettes

  1. Hi Igor

    If the installation can be done on at least 2 pc, where is the protection against piracy, in other words how does this activation work if you don't read any informations? Will you have a database with MAC addresses or something like that, nevertheless?

  2. Hi Igor

    With beta 7, once the video master and associated video objects implemented in the project, it is impossible to store a value change of the start time and duration of the video, because these parameters return to their initial value ​​when closing the O&A window or changing the slide except if the offset is changed at the same time.

  3. Igor

    It seems to be a bug with the animated gifs and the link "Save and Use by default".

    When I import an animated gif in a slide in the O&A window, it is well animated when I play the slide.

    If, for any reason, I break down the gif by changing the values of columns and count to 1 in Properties>Adjust image and border>Animation (now one can see all the elements of the gif) and after I click on "Save and Use by default" it is imposssible to import a new gif normally (i.e. with the elements assembled) in the same project or in a new one, even I give back the values of "columns and count" and I click again on "Save by default"



  4. Igor, I have downloaded a new time and reinstalled the 6.5.1 to be sure.

    There are some differences:

    1) when the option "load last used project" isn't checked, the button works fine at each time.

    2) when this option is checked, the button works if the last session was closed without showing the waveform

    In other case it isn't active.

    Tomorrow I will perform other tests, see what happens with other people and send you a video.


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