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Posts posted by djohnson

  1. I gave up putting slideshows into DVD format over a year ago. My reason being that the quality of the images on a good quality TV (PAL) was not up to the standard I want (shimmering being a particular irritant!) and certainly far below that achieved when shows a displayed as .exe files on my computer monitor. Nero 6 was the software that I used then, though I now have V.7.

    A couple of questions then, partly to fill in the holes in my technical understanding of matters DVD and partly so that I can make up my mind whether having another go at DVD will be worthwhile.

    Q1 - Will the results, produced on my TV screen, using the software in PTE Deluxe be a quantifiable improvement?

    Q2 - Is there an advantage to increasing the size of the image files I use for slideshows? Currently, I use 1024 X 768 pixels for all slides, unless they are subject to PRZ effects.


  2. Really no problem.. but personal information is a little inaccurate. I became a registered member of PTE on Dec. 10, 2002 (not Feb 2003). Also, I have entered posts from time to time but the new information shows "0" posts. My last presentation was B-17 LIttle Girls. And had entered some personal info and home page initially.. which was not indicated.

    I know everyone at Wnsoft is very busy so please don't go to any length to correct any of the information.. just thought I would bring this to your attention as it could probably be a small glitch with the new Invision program.

  3. I have tried every conceivable way to create a SVCD from my pte presentation. (B-17 Little Girls) My problem area with the SVCD is "audio". In the pte I have 4 different songs. Video comes out OK but no sound when trying to prepare SVCD. I have latest Nero version, also Ulead DVD Workshop 2, and Dr. DivX plus Media Player 9. Using XP Home on new Dell 8300 and years with computers. Also have Sony DVD-R and RW plus CDr&RW writer. My best guess is I need MPEG-4 driver. (?) Followed PTE instructions but so far nothing has worked. :(

    This is not really necessary... but simply becomming a matter of principal with myself. With Ulead DVD workshop I am able to get the first sound but have not yet figured out how add other songs in select areas.

    Only fix that I can see is joining the 4 songs to one and let PTE time the whole thing to the presentation.

    Any suggestions or instruction much appreciated.

  4. I really enjoyed the show Don, well done.  It had a nice balance and the images combined with a nice soundtrack worked well.  Congratulations on a well presented show.


    Thanks for writing Barry. Actually, the posted show is only 50% of the full presentation. The remainder consisted of personal photos and events of Davidson family members and friends. It was indeed an interesting challenge and a reminder to me of the actual events that transpierd during WWII.

    Dave Johnson

  5. Hi djohnson,

    Great show. I really felt the emotions of the crew as I reviewed their takeoffs and eventual engagement...Thank you....How did you string the two shows together.....jongru

    In PTE Customize slide, select Main, Advanced Options, check Run external application, and enter executable program. This is the trigger area. Glad you enjoyed the presentation..

  6. Hi All,

    I would like to add a relatively small PTE presentation located on my site.

    B-17 Little Girls.exe download site

    This was made for my long time friend who served in WWII flying B-17 missions out of England, was shot down, captured and spent the remainder of the war in Stalag Luft I. The show also pays tribute to those military hero's who were not so fortunate.

    After the war, Ed Davidson became a pilot for American Airlines for over 35 years. He is now retired and resides in San Diego, CA with his lovely wife Maria.

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