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Posts posted by ayjayh

  1. Hi John,

    What I mean is if you create your slideshow and in Project Options, Screen Tab, do not specify "Fixed Size of Slide," PTE will size the image to fit the size the the display within the parameters of the chosen aspect ratio. For example, if I use an original image of say 1600x1200 and display the exe file on a 1024x768 display, the image will fill the screen to the level I have zoomed within my show without distortion. If I display it on a 1600x1200 resolution display, it will use the original file dimension to fill the screen in the same way without distortion. If I instead used, for example, an original of 24 megapixel resolution such as 4928x3264 pixels, this image would likewise only fill the screen on a 1024x768 pixel display or on a 1600x1200 pixel display. If I displayed this image on a 2650x1600 display it would fill the screen just as with smaller resolution displays.

    The difference with the 4928x3264 image would be that I could zoom in to the original 1:1 pixel level of this high resolution image and not lose any quality. On the other hand, had I used an original 1024x768 and zoomed in to the identical screen display view, the quality of the image would be severely compromised because it would be resized from 1024x768 to 4928x3264 for the deep zoom.

    Best regards,


    Hello everyone,

    I am a complete newbie to P2E having just installed the trial version (8) this morning. I am however an experienced user of other video software.

    From what I am reading on this resizing topic it would seem that Lin is saying I can use images straight from the camera (4608x3072 in my case, letting the software adjust size of final image depending on the user's display size.

    Somewhere you stated that the only caveat is that the system resources can cope with it.

    But what about the finished exe file sizes? Surely bigger source images result in bigger file sizes!

    I made a short test file using images I had scaled down to 1152x768 and ended up with an exe file size of 9.4 MB. I repeated the the operation using my original images at 4608x3072 and the resulting file size was 254 MB.

    This seems to prove my assumption that finished file size is at least proportional to the pixel count, if not more so.

    Perhaps not a problem when viewing on your own setup, but what if you want to email the finished file to someone, or put a download link on your website?

    Best wishes to you all,


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