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Posts posted by ally_bally_bee

  1. I have a slide with a montage of music attached, I have added text labels to the slide at the points where the music changes. My method is to add a new text box, set a key frame at 0 with opacity 0 then set another key frame just before I want the text to appear with opacity zero followed shortly by a third keyframe with opacity 100 then just before I want to change the text insert a new key frame(4) with opacity 100 and finally a fifth key frame with opacity zero. 

    It works but with multiple text boxes it is a bit of a drag - is there another way?





  2. Hi Canico,

    First I should say I am a complete newbie in P2E world and know literally nothing about its audio features! However I have Acoustica 6 the premium version. The time stretching seems to be very high quality. I've just stretched 10CC's Reds in my Bed from 4:08 to 5:08 and the quality is pretty good. A few things to bear in mind - 

    Time stretching in Acoustica costs money - looking at the website you would need the standard edition - which is under 20 quid.

    However you can try it for free - https://acondigital.com/products/acoustica-audio-editor/

    Time stretching is an exact science - you enter the duration you want in a dialog box and it will stretch the audio to exactly that duration.

    Time stretching doesn't alter the pitch (which is clever) but does slow the song down - the tempo will change. This may not be what you want...

    Time stretching has its limits - above a certain amount will sound ridiculous and the more you stretch the more likely you are to have 'artifacts' that you might be able to hear. So 10 percent will be fine but don't plan on 200%.

    Acoustica like any decent audio editor will also allow you to extend your audio using loops - this is trickier as you will have to learn to select loop points but doesn't change the tempo - it does rely on your music have 'loopable' sections.

    And you can copy and paste - copy the chorus and then paste it in accurately and you can extend the length of a song.




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