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Posts posted by Aidan

  1. H all.

    This looks like some great AV software - very little of the overly glitzy stuff, and it looks like good professional looking output  judging by some of the samples.

    I'm just trying it out - my first attempt crops the photos into 16:9 aspect ratio which I see from the help page is defined in Project Options https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/9.0/project_settings_1/project

    I understand I can change it to 3:2 to suit the APS-C sensor I have. However, if I leave it optimised for 16:9 TV screen - is there a way that I can at least choose the position of the slide & hence the cropping that happens ? Some images used will be portrait 2:3 , so I definitely don't want those to be automatically cropped.

    best regards & thanks, 




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