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Posts posted by djay

  1. Would it be possible for the Timeline to be used in the main window instead of a window on its own. Perhaps the waveform could be placed underneath the line of slides in the show. Adjustments and editing could then be associated with the larger preview window and thus make transitions and synchronization easier to see.

    Thank you, Igor, for all the imrovements you make.


  2. I have just been reading the help file of Audacity and apparently Ogg Vorbis does not let you set a bitrate because some audio clips are easier to compress than others. but I now know how to do it for Mp3. Anyway, thanks very much, I think I understand it a little better now.


  3. Hi Everybody,

    I am back after a break to sort out what I have learned. Unfortunately I got a Trojan Virus on my computer and, just to be on the safe side, had to restore my system to its factory settings and reload everything which took ages.

    As for my original problem, I think I made a fuss about nothing as I changed the TV ratio to 4: 3 and my new presentation works fine. I have given up on understanding non-square pixels for the moment as I want to push on and make some more presentations.

    By the way I posted a slidewhow on Beechbrook Cottage. How brave is that?

    Anyway, thanks for all your help.


  4. Hello Contax Man

    Yes I have had a quick look at PS CS and was aware of the non-square pixels. When do you think you would convert your file to non-square pixels as you need them square to edit them? Otherwise they would look out of proprtion on the computer monitor I should think.

    I suspect I have to pluck up courage and try a simple slideshow to see what happens. I can use CS at a friend's office.


  5. Thanks Ken,

    I usually get my photographs from my digital camera and change the resolution in Photoshop. Maybe my files are too large as I know they are more than 150 kb each. My settings are for Europe and I use Nero for burning, I did resize the screen to 95% as I think it makes for a more elegant presentation.

    I will try to find someone with a normal TV and a DVD and let you know. I will also put together another slideshow and see how I get on with that one.


  6. I have finally produced a slideshow and managed to burn it to DVD. I edited the photographs in Phtoshop 7. It looks beautiful on my computer screen and I am delighted. However, when played on my widescreen TV the pictures become distorted and squashed. Is it something to do with the pixels being square rather than oblong? I changed al my pictures into 1024 x 768 resolution as recommended.

    I am new to this and do not undestand lots of technical jargon, and, at 65 am probably your oldest female recruit.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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