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Fish Hunter

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Posts posted by Fish Hunter

  1. My mistake. The silde show runs perfectly without music or audio files. The problem has been narrowed down that it is not the software.

    My CD using MS Media Player plays the cd fine. But, if and when a file is copied to the harddrive, it then has a skip in it when played back. I am not sure if it is a software problem, a hardware problem or some sort of code written into the music cd.

    Any suggestions?

  2. Converted to MP3 as suggested and still have the stuttering and skipping about 10 sec into the show. Slowed down the transistion and that has not seemed to help either.

    More suggestions please?

    The slide show works fine with or with out music, but it is so much nicer for viewing with the music.

  3. Good morning all. I am experiencing problems with the music that I add to a presentaion, skipping, stuttering etc.

    I am using a Dell work station 340 with P4 running at 2 mhz. The system has 2 gig of memory and has a top end video board and driver setup.

    I am using .jpegs that are sixed to around 500k and .wma music files. The images are for portrait client to be able to view and select from, so it is difficult to size them much smaller for quality issues.

    Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

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