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Posts posted by gmkwainphoto

  1. OOps. I did some more work and the good news is that PTE is working fine. Be careful with your music editing program. If you are ripping tracks from a CD, there is probably dead space at the end of the track. Your editor considers it to be part of the track as does PTE. The result is that the last few slides may not have any audio. The problem I had was that when I cut off the silence, I wasn't saving the new version properly. Probably should read the manual, but that takes all the fun out of the process.

  2. I've had this same trouble. When I look at my WAV file with my music editor (I'm using Magix Audio Cleaning Lab) the waveform continues to the endpoint of the file. (e.g. my 11 minute 8 second music plays all the way to the end of the file) but when I look at the waveform in PTE (I was using Beta versions of 4.3 but I just tried the final version of 4.3 and it's the same problem), PTE shows the total length of the WAV file the same as my Music editor program, but the music is compressed and ends at 10 minutes 58 seconds so that the last few slides have no music. This has happened with all my WAV and Mpeg files that I have tried so far. I have to go in and manually adjust everything so that the last slide has music. It seems to be a bug and I hope it can be fixed.

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