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Posts posted by Photobob

  1. I have had this program for quite some time and I have yet to get a really sharp video from it. I downloaded a program called Proshow Gold and I am using their 15 day trial version. It is very easy to use but the thing that really bothers me is that when I create a video with PictureToExe, the video comes out very soft and not sharp at all. Now when I create the very same video seconds later with the very same files in Proshow Gold, the video comes out very sharp. Am I doing something wrong? It is not that my images are not sharp, because if they were not sharp they would come out dull in both programs. As I am making the video in PictureTo Exe it looks very sharp as I am working with it in the program. It is not till I burn it with Ulead DVD MovieFactory 3 till it becomes very soft and really looks of very poor quality. Any help would be greatly appreciated if you can tell me where you feel that I may be having a problem.

  2. There must of been a problem, I received my key in a matter of minutes. I purchased the software and within a few minutes, my key was e-mailed to me. I now have to back up the program and my key on a CD for future back up problems but I am very happy with the product. Where I had my problem was with using the Unleaded DVD MovieFactory 3 software and after a few hours of reading this forum and sending a post, I called Unleaded and a service person had me up and running with both pieces of software in about three minutes. :D

  3. FINALLY!!!! After spending a full day working with this software I finally called Unleaded DVD Movie Factory and ask them just how to convert these Avis. I was way off in doing this and after spending 3 minutes on the phone with them I was starting to understand the basics. I started trying it out and all of a sudden I received 2 error messages. I checked out the forum and found out that I should take back my TDK DVDs and I exchanged them for Memorex DVDs. well it worked like a charm, my first 2 or 3 came out slightly not what I wanted, but after working through that and making some adjustments, they are really great. A lot of the stuff that I read on here and in the help files are really not too clear if you have NEVER worked with files like this. Every thing is going great now the videos are really nice... I can not wait till I photograph my nephews wedding this weekend........

  4. I am trying to use Pictures to Exe, and I have to learn how to convert the Avi files to DVD with Movie Factory 3 by Saturday. I have version 4.30 of Pictures to Exe and I am just lost as to how to convert the files to DVD. If any one has figured it out, I would appreciate it if you would placeyour steps on line so that I could learn how to use it. I am going to a nephews wedding out of town this weekend and I promised to place all of his pictures on a DVD. Any help would be greatly appreciated. HELP!!!!!!!!

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