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Posts posted by mtnman

  1. I've now run into another problem. With all the help here I have successfully burned a DVD using the burn DVD command. The problem is that it freezes while running. I have tried it on 4 computers and wioth 3 or 4 differant presentation programs. Always the same result it freezes on the same image and neither the program nor the computer will run. I need to push the start button and hold to clear everything.

    Is it as simple as the image is corrupted or some other issue? The presentation is about 276 images at 1.2GB and it freezes on image 87.

    Thanks again for all help on this forum.


  2. Slowly getting the hang of the program and now at the all important last step of burning a DVD.

    The project is large-250 JPEG images@1.23GB.

    I go file-burndvd-new screen opens- click on project and then add-next-tried at both 1.4 and 4.7-start......then the problem occurs

    Most times I get a box "disc is not inserted" sometimes it starts and then I get message. The disc is in the correct drive and I have put it in both before and after starting program with same results. The disc is a new TDK dvd+rw 1-4x.

    Any help appreciate especially since I have a presentation next week. I hate the thought of bringing my desktop and running it from the preview tab.

  3. Okay I admit I am a computer dummy but some things should be so easy even the likes of me should figure it out.

    So 2 questions:

    1-I am trying to add text to a slide. I click on objects and animations>Atab>type in my text and move it to area I want but then cant create the slide with the text in my show. What do I have to do to have the text show up on the slide in the show I am creating?

    2- Can I only burn a DVD or will program burn a CD?

    tia for any help


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