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rick k

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Posts posted by rick k

  1. As Hawk had previously stated, I did select the Dolby Digital option (instead of LPCM) under Video Options from NeroVision Express. That made all the difference in the world for me. Regarding your MP3 format, I requested the PowerPack Lame MP3 Plug-in from Nero (it's free!). I used this encoder to translate my audio files from CD to MP3.

    If you don't already have this plugin, here's how you can get it: http://ww2.nero.com/nero6/enu/How_do_I_reg...me_Encoder.html

    Good luck!

  2. I have a series of five P2E shows that are daisy-chained to one another, using the "Run application after last slide" feature under Advanced Project Options. This works really well, with one exception. Sometimes, between shows, the desktop appears for a split second. This interrupts an otherwise seamless transition between the shows (I have it set up so that the last slide of a given show and the first slide of the next show are identical). This also happens randomly - sometimes the transition is seamless, sometimes the desktop appears briefly. I have made sure that the "Show first transition effect from desktop" and the "Show transition effect to desktop after last slide" boxes under Screen Project Options are unchecked, but to no avail.

    The shows are each custom synchronized to the music, could it have something to do with music duration vs. duration of last slide image? Any suggestions would be most appreciated for solving this problem.

  3. Michel,

    Thank you for the suggestions. I discovered that the problem was not with the source file, but that when I was burning the AVI file with Nero, I had selected LPCM as the format for audio. I switched it to Dolby 2.0 and now it sounds a whole lot better. I think I will follow your suggestion and use either .WAV or MP3 formats from here on out.

    Best regards,


  4. I have successfully created DVDs using P2E and Nero Vision Express2. The resulting images and transition effects look really good on my television, but I hear occasional popping sounds and ticks in the music. When I preview the show on my PC (and when I play the executable file on my PC), the music sounds great - the problem is when I convert the AVI file to DVD. I have tried using both MP3 and WMA formats, with varying quality levels (most at 128 Kbps), but to no avail.

    Have others experienced similar problems? Is there a way to overcome this or is this an unavoidable pitfall with DVD presentations?

    Thanks in advance,


  5. Sorry to dredge up such an ancient thread. But did anybody ever create a utility to access a library of picture frames (and to size them as well)? Or are there any other good sources for pre-created picture frames? I use PhotoShop to tweak my images, maybe there are plug-ins available for PS as well?

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


  6. I am experiencing the same problem when I burn a slideshow to DVD using Nero Vision Express. Program sounds fine when previewed and played as an executable file on my computer, but when I play the DVD on my TV, the music crackles and pops a bit. I've tried using different bitrate MP3 files (128, 196, etc.), but to no avail. Any suggestions would be welcome, also, let me know if this would be more appropriate to post in the video section of the forum.



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