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Martin Wise

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Posts posted by Martin Wise

  1. http://www.mediafire.com/?czhz52l1jxc</a>

    I would love to hear all your comments on my Baron Hill show.


    Hi Neil

    Like yourself I am fairly new to creating slide shows and I certainly don't intend to compete with people far more knowledgeable than myself, but I thought I'd throw in my twopenny worth.

    I loved the photography though now and then there was a certain sameness here and there. The style of font suited it perfectly, but would have looked better with scenery in the background. Your logo would look better at the end of the show rather that at the beginning.

    The one aspect of your show that I was not happy with was your choice of music. I felt it was too heavy and overwhelmed the subject, whereas something softer and more gentle could still have created a suitable atmosphere to accompany your very moody photographs.

    Best regards

    Martin CG

  2. Hi Martin,

    I'll try to answer both question here. If you have a web site, you can post the zipped file into a folder on the server at that site then provide a link here by simply putting the path.

    For example. I created a slideshow called puzzlesmallRAM. I zipped this file via the method explained earlier then I had a file called puzzlesmallRAM.zip which contains all the images used to create the show as well as the file puzzlesmallRAM.pte. This file was then uploaded to my website in a folder called p2e. My website is accessed by typing:


    The file, being in a folder called "p2e" then is accessed by providing that path:


    If you don't have a website, then there some places where you can still post images and files such as pbase, etc., but in order for someone to download your file to test it, it needs to be placed on a server on the internet.

    Best regards,


    Hi Lin

    Unfortunately, I do not have a website (a situation that must be rectified) so cannot do as you say at this time. If I do succeed in placing the file on a site I'll let you know.

    In the meantime many thanks for trying to help.

    Best regards


  3. Hi Lin,

    Thanks for trying to help. I have made the zip file as suggested, but my knowledge in certain areas is limited. How do I make a link so you can download it?

    Best regards


    Hi Lin

    I did not answer your questions about quantities. There are 32 slides with one piece of music and it plays for about 4.5 mins.


  4. Hi Martin,

    How large is your show? How many slides and songs? What I'm getting at is that there is a feature in the Beta version which lets you create a zip file containing all you slides, the pte file, etc. If the show is small enough for you to zip up and post a link to, perhaps we can help figure out what's happening.

    Normally, you should hear your music from either the preview or from the timeline but terms can be confusing. There is the timeline view where you place keypoints and the timeline view where music is synchronized. Since you mentioned "thumbnails" I'm assuming you mean from the music timeline. The music synch is not yet completed in this beta, but my shows play music from that timeline by using either the preview or timeline "play" tabs.

    This is an unusual issue so if your show is small enough to zip and post (from the File provision at top left of your main screen) choose "Create Backup in Zip" and this will create a zip file containing all your images, the pte file, etc. If you post a link to it, we can try to duplicate the problem and perhaps figure out what's going on.

    My suggestion would be until you are thoroughly familiar with the new features of the beta to not try to generate a very large slideshow because it increased the variables and makes it more difficult to debug.

    Best regards,


    Hi Lin,

    Thanks for trying to help. I have made the zip file as suggested, but my knowledge in certain areas is limited. How do I make a link so you can download it?

    Best regards


  5. I hear the music when I click on 'play' in the timeline window. If I click on 'preview' in the timeline window or in the main window I do not hear music.

    Sorry Igor, I misunderstood you. I just have downloaded the PTE Show. No problems with this, I hear it fine. Nice music and pics.


  6. I am fairly new to AV and PTE so it may be that I am overlooking something that should be obvious, but if I am, please help before I get the screaming abdabs!

    I have placed all my slides in the programme in the order they are to appear, selected the music which has been converted to MP3, opened the timeline window and clicked on play. The thumbnails appear and the music plays as it should do. So far great.

    My problem begins when I hit the preview button. Whether in the the main window or in timeline, the slide show begins, but no music. I thought it might be a problem with Beta 5 #2 so I downloaded #3, but the problem remains. I do not have this problem with PTE 4.48, so why does it happen with what is obviously an improved programme.

    Can anybody help me?

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