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Posts posted by maderemark

  1. =======================

    I think if you stare a bit more at the menu, you will probably agree that just above "Insert template" is "Set text comment for new slides:", which is basically what you want. At first glance, it might be easy to misunderstand what it is all about. But after doing it once or twice, it becomes obvious. There are other areas in PTE that do lack an immediate understanding as to what the function will do. It just takes a bit of poking around at times to explore what is going on. I'd like to change some of the titles of functions but it is great that we have this Forum to help us through some of the steps we are trying to take.

    Glad it worked out.


    Right again. I need to become a better observer!


  2. =====================


    Go to Project Options/Comments

    See the attached gif file. Hope this helps.


    Thanks Gary. I actually saw that but never clicked on the "Insert template" link because that phrase didn't make sense to me. Had I clicked on it, it's pretty obvious that is what I was looking for.

    Perhaps "Insert template" could be changed to "Choose a comment" to be more clear. Does that make sense?

  3. It's been a while (and a version) since I've use PTE.

    I use to be able to set-up my shows so the file name appeared under or across each slide to make it easy for people to identify the photos for ordering purposes. I've searched every where and can't find that option! It's probably so obvious I'll laugh when someone tells me where it is. So where do I set that up???

  4. I believe having another forum topic for YouTube and Vimeo makes a lot of sense. Anyone who has a question specific to those web sites would know exactly where to find an answer without having to sift through all the other posts. Afterall, there's already a forum titled: DVD-Video, AVI, VideoBuilder

    Perhaps that forum could be renamed DVD-Video, AVI, VideoBuilder, YouTube and Vimeo


    Mark Madere

  5. Hello All P2E users. As a new member I would like to request an enhancement to effects to and from the image centre. I have several pictures where an origin offset from centre would greatly enhance dissolve effect, such as expanding out from a setting sun in top LH corner for example. To be able to place the origin by moving a target point or entering co-ordinates would be great. One or two members of my audio-visual group agree that this would be a good feature. How are your feelings? Could it be arranged?

    This feature exists in a program I use to put a slide show on the Internet called "Showit Web". The program isn't nearly as verstile as PTE, but it's a quick way to get a slide show of your photos online. The program is available at: http://www.showitfast.com/

    To see a sample show using the effect you describe, go to my website at: http://spectralight.com/spokesmodels/spokesmodelshow/

  6. Fred,

    Thank you for your suggestion. I appreciate constructive, useful replies such as yours.


    I'm sorry my suggestion upset you. Your response asking others to "rally support" against my suggestion seems extreme. I'll withdraw my request to avoid upsetting you further.


    I've always marvelled at your technical expertise with PTE and how you help others. I didn't think my suggestion was as absurd as "making it fit on a 1,44 floppy -and all this for $25." I guess some people choose not to post on this forum to avoid this type of criticism. I'm sorry I posted this topic. It WON'T happen again.

    Mark Madere

  7. It would be nice to have PTE incorporate some of the features of Granot's Photo Order List into PTE. I want to streamline my client's viewing and ordering process in just one program to simplify things a bit.

    Igor, can you add the option of placing a button called "Order Photo" that can be positioned at the bottom left or bottom center or bottom right of the screen? As the client clicks through the photos, they could click the "Order Photo" button to bring up an order screen similar to what Granot has in his program.


    Mark Madere

  8. Would the photographer have the ability to allow or not allow the customer to print thumbnails or any size photo from this program? I don't want the customer to be able to make good quality prints so they won't buy mine.

    If we allow customer to print thumbnails or larger photos from the program, can we have a setting that will automatically put the word "Proof" or some other word over each photo so the customer would prefer to buy a photo from the us without the word "Proof" on it?

    Will this program work with PTE or is it a stand alone program? If it runs with PTE, will it no longer allow the customer to view the photos once the PTE show "expires"? I would prefer it to work that way.

    Thanks for all your hard work to make this program a reality.

    Mark Madere

  9. I create two slide shows of the client images. The first show is titled: "Wedding Photos Set To Music". This show has all the photos set to music without proof (file) numbers. It is intended for the client's "viewing pleasure". The second show is almost identical to the first and titled: "Wedding Photos With Proof Numbers". This show does NOT play to music - the viewer must press the right or left arrow keys to navigate though the photos. The proof number is shown at the bottom of the photo. The client then writes their order on a provided order form. This has worked great for about four years now.

    If you want to be "slick" and have them order by clicking on the photo and electronically ordering - try "FlipAlum Professional" with the optional Shopping Cart add-on. This will achieve want you want. I spent the money on this but have been disappointed by the difficulty in setting up each wedding for easy, intuitive navigation and ordering by the client. I prefer the less "hi-tech" method outlined at the beginning of my response because everyone knows how to click a left or right arrow key and hand write their order on an order form.

    If you find a better solution, please e-mail me at mark@spectralight.com.

    Good luck!

    Mark Madere

    SpectraLight Photography

  10. I am a wedding photographer who puts slide shows on CD for clients to view. Currently, they have to click through photos one at a time to get to a particular photo they want to view.

    Is there a way to show clients a light table with maybe 20 photos at a time. They could then click on a photo to view it larger? After viewing, they could then return to the light table.

    "FlipAlbum" gives an index at the beginning of their albums that allows this. Of course, I don't want my client to be able to copy or print any of the images.

    If it isn't in the current version of PTE, is it too late to get it in the soon to be released version?



  11. I'm looking to buy software to edit home video from VHS and digital 8 tapes and also to burn PTE shows to DVD. Anyone have any experience with Pinnacle Studio 9 for doing this?

    I was considering Ulead Movie Factory but there seems to be some problems with version 3 and burning DVDs. Also, I emailed Ulead five weeks ago on with questions about Movie Factory 2 and got no response. If they won't even answer a pre-sale question, how bad are they at answering tech support questions to their users?

    Again, anyone have any experience with Pinnacle Studio 9?



  12. I believe it is Ulead DVD MovieFactory that they are suggesting. However, I am wondering if I can use Ulead VideoStudio instead. Ulead's tech support people tell me that VideoStudio has DVD MovieFactory as part of the program (but with less menu templates). I would assume that the new version of P2E would burn DVD's with VideoStudio but until I hear from someone who has done it, I don't want to buy it and find out otherwise.

    The reason I am looking at VideoStudio instead of DVD MovieFactory is that VideoStudio is a complete editing suite for editing videotapes. Although it costs more than DVD MovieFactory, it will be more functional in the long run.

    Mark Madere

  13. I am in the process of setting up a new pc and need to know where to find the "key" on my current machine to copy over to the new one so that I can continue to use PTE. Where do I find it?

    Couldn't find an answer in the FAQs online. Could that be added to the online FAQs?



  14. I just read the description of what's on PTE Vers 4. I didn't see any mention of the ability to create multiple shows that can be accessed from the first or last slide from any one of the shows. I thought that was something that was going to be "in the next release".

    If it's not, is there any plans for any updates in the near future with that feature?

    Igor, thanks for all the constant improvements in the program. It's very impressive.


    Mark Madere

    Cleveland, OH USA

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