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Posts posted by jeronimo

  1. hi Brian,

    thanks for explaining.

    As I don't know the concept of the software, I risk being ridiculous with my reply, but here it goes anyways:

    I was not suggesting to integrate an image cropper (or jpeg only cropper), but to include a functionality that would allow the user to specify a screen resolution (or max width and max height, to optimally treat portrait and landscape) for which the .exe or .scr should be created.

    The moment you create the .exe file, the image data are probably available to the pte program in some kind of generic form (i.e. they have already been transformed from their original .jpg .bmp etc format). If pte would allow to reduce the resolution at which the images are stored "inside the slide_show.exe file", that would be independent of file format. It would be a big help since it would allow the user to get rid of all these lower resolution copies of the project images that are kept just in case you want to come back and change the slide show. Huge gain in .exe file size, obviously...

    Does this make sense?



  2. hello -

    this is a corrected version of a former post, which probably got misunderstood:

    I think many of us are resizing their images before putting picture shows together with P2E, with all the "organizational overhead" that comes with it: batch conversion of the puctures, storing them in a separate directory and keeping them as well as the originals as long as you might want to come back and change the pte show.

    Is there any intention to include picture resizing into P2E - it would just make a great program even better!

    thanks much for any input -

  3. Thanks Lin for clarifying. I was actually unprecise and meant redimensioning, rather than compressing. Typically pictures come in at 6-8 MPixels, and are better brought down to screen resolution. I use "multi resize" which works fine, but as I said the overhead is too much.


    There is no real advantage to image compression. All images expand in memory to their full necessary size. All compression does is make the executable show size smaller but when the executable is loaded the images in jpg format expand as they are being played. It's actually the dimensions not the file size which is important in terms of resources.

    Best regards,


  4. hello -

    I think many of us are compressing their images before putting picture shows together with P2E, with all the "organizational overhead" that comes with it: batch conversion of the puctures, storing them in a separate directory and keeping them as well as the originals as long as you might want to come back and change the pte show.

    Is there any intention to include picture compression into P2E - it would just make a great program even better!

    thanks much for any input -

  5. sorry this is probably a very naive question, which just seems to be clear for everybody:

    the latest version of P2E is v4.48, there is a new DeLuxe version v5.0 which costs 20 USD as an upgrade from the normal version:

    will the normal version continue to be developed and be made available as free upgrade for registered users? I am not so interested

    in the Deluxes video capabilities, but the other new features seem to be interesting!

    thanks much !

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