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Posts posted by PhilW

  1. Thanks for the responses, guys. Food for thought, here.

    The tip about "TV safe zone" prompted me to have another look at my video using Windows Media Player. I had already done this but not looked closely enough. I now see that the images are not cropped by Video Builder - it's all there and it's the display device (in my case a flat-screen tv set at 4:3) that is cropping the image. Clearly this is what the "TV safe zone" indication is for - to anticipate cropping by the display device.

    I'm tempted at this point to take the view that there is no real problem to solve with video creation, and if anything try to get the tv to display the whole of the image. Not being a CRT it ought to be able to display the whole image I would have thought. If I really find it a problem I could resort to adding a border to all my input images to compensate but it barely seems worth it especially as I also like to create exe files from the same images, which don't produce the problem.

    Thanks again,


  2. Hi,

    I've just used Video Builder for the first time and I'm very pleased with the result but for one 'problem'. The images shown in the video (burned to DVD) are cropped with respect to the original. The originals are 1024x768 pixels, i.e. 4:3 ratio. I set this aspect in the project options, and again in the project options for the video. I show the video on a tv set at 4:3. I get definite cropping, maybe around 5% margin or so. I haven't fully analyzed it - I notice it particularly on the left margin but it may be all round.

    Creating an exe file from the same project and images does not produce this cropping.

    Is this a problem anyone else has come across? Is there a fix? Have I set something wrong?


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