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Posts posted by claudia26

  1. Claudia,

    For those slides, or those objects on the slides, which show the Moire shimmer try ticking the "Anti-shimmering (mipmapping)" option in the Properties tab of the O&A window.



    Thanks , I'll try that !

    Also , as to pixel ratio , do you have a recommendation ? Is there a "better" size to begin with in PTE ? I have full size jpegs and then set 16:9 with 1920x1080 which then PTE reduces further for the HD video . And then , processing my small slideshows into one DVD

    which at 720x480 reduces the size further , will the procedure work the same or will I get into a new problem ?

    Many thanks ,


  2. I am assembling slideshows importing full-size jpegs at 1920x1080 .

    I use only the ZOOM effect with a full-size screen at 16x9 and 1024x768 high quality setting ;

    hardware acceleration ON

    I then CONVERT to an HD video for PC and MAC with quality high setting and PAN&SCAN off

    Is there any way to set the parameters to minimise the flickering ?


  3. Claudia,

    Do you want to run them as a "continuous" set - or do you want to be able to trigger each one manually after a brief "live" introduction? Your requirements are not clear to me and so I am in danger of giving you completely the wrong advice.



    Peter ,

    I want to run them as a continuous set but I need to be able to control the space between the shows ; the music tracks have odd seconds of silence and I'd like to clean that up when stringing the shows together .

  4. You won't be able to copy and paste the music so that will have to be entered manually after stringing the slideshows together. To do that, open the slideshow you want to copy. Go to main menu and select all slides. Do not "close" this slideshow but rather just do a "file" "open" and open the slideshow which you want to add to. Paste the copied slides in the main slide list and all slides, animations, etc., will be there when you save this show. Next add the music tracks and save again.

    Repeat by opening the second slideshow you want to copy from....


    Thanks Lin ,

    But then the pauses between the tracks will be dictated by the tracks themselves and cannot be modified I guess .

  5. Thanks to everyone for the helpful comments ; I am in the middle of putting together a number of short PTE slideshows , set to individual tracks of music . Does any of you have a suggestion as to how to string them together to be run as a continuous set ?

  6. I usually work with PSD files and need to resize and convert them to jpeg for the slideshows ; is there a rule of thumb for the conversion , such as reducing them to 50% quality ? Or can I just use the full size jpegs ( around 5MB each) - I have not found the "formula' yet .

  7. Hi ,

    Thanks for the reply ; the wave file already is PCM , about four minutes with a size of 88MB and 3072kbps ; 32 bit ; 48khz Audio sample rate - I see the icon but can't click on it because the frame is not active .

    Is there maybe a template out there that I could simply copy and adapt ?


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