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Posts posted by MyEyeOn

  1. Hi Hawk

    Thanks very much. Both of your suggestions meet my needs very well. I should have looked more carefully at the options available in Project Reporter! The screen for the software is a little daunting and obviously time invested in examining it and trying out options will be very rewarding.


  2. Hi NatureMan, welcome to the forum

    In regards to (nobeefstu ) "Stu's" utility - Reporter_V2

    Not sure if you just clicked on " Save Report - List "

    If you click upper right " Save Report - FULL " this creates an HTML file with all images as thumbnails and file names in the order of your presentation.

    Also in the HTML file you can choose - File - Save as - in the pop up box section " Save as Type " - choose TEXT.

    Gives you a simplified list in proper order of file names which maybe what your looking for.

    ( click on images for larger view )

  3. Hi

    I am new to this forum and to use of PTE so please bear with me if this question has already been posed. I cannot find it through searching the forum.

    Please can anyone tell me if there is any way of obtaining a list of the titles of the images in a presentation in the order in which they appear in the presentation?

    Many thanks


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