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Posts posted by vhansen

  1. If you are using Photoshop 7, you can use the Scripting plug-in and create a Java script that will do everything you want, including determining if the image is vertical or horizontal, and acting on the information. It can also put a watermark on the images, resize, etc.

    I have a few scripts I've written, and there are a few more out on the web.

    If this is an option for you, and I can be of any assistance, let me know.

  2. I'm still a new user, and have a question about image size when running a show.

    I would like the images to remain at 800 x 600, no matter what size the users screen capabilities are. I would also like this to be in full screen mode (obviously some users will have a border around the images, which is OK).

    I've searched through the forums and from what I've read, there doesn't seem to be away to do this.

    Is this correct? If so, is it a feature that could be added?

    The reason I ask, is that some images (in a particular instance) are lower quality and do not look good when the show is running is full screen, yet I still prefer the full screen mode for viewing.



  3. I've just purchased PTE, and have been checking out the shows at Beechbrook Cottage.

    I downloaded a few tutorials that have a p2e extension, but I can't figure out how to get them to open.

    I've tried opening them from within PTE, double clicking, but nothing works.

    Can anyone help?


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