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Posts posted by carrigman

  1. I purchased PTE after seeing Barry Beckham's brilliant demo of what it is capable of doing in Digital Photo magazine in the UK. I can honestly say it is an excellent piece of software and a bargain at the price. I remember being in a camera club years ago and we invested a lot of money in a Audio Visual set up - dual slide projectors, etc. PTE does all that was capable of doing and more, and at a fraction of the cost.

    I have just put together a slide show on the mountains of Munster in Southern Ireland. I had boxes of slides that were just lying there. Here at last was a program that could make use of them. I had slides that on their own were no big deal but as part of a series became very effective. I've given CD copies of the presentation to friends interested in hillwalking and it has knocked their socks off! I'm now planning to dredge through my collection of slides and put other shows together for family and friends.

    I can see PTE changing the way I'll take photos in future. Rather than just concentrating on single shots I'll be looking for ways to make the photos part of an effective series. I'll have an excuse to use more film...or maybe I should finally go digital?

    Anyway, I know I'm preaching to the converted in this forum but I just had to publicy thank PTE for a wonderful product and for helping to re-ignite my somewhat flagging interest in photography. And thanks too to Barry Beckham and Digital Photo magazine for introducing me and, I've no doubt, countless others to the software.


    John (with a big self-satisfied grin :D )

    County Cork


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