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Posts posted by WALTJONES

  1. Very many thanks for response and ideas. I have a feeling that we are in very early days to get really good results in transfering P to E to DVD. I have now discovered that the quality of different DVD players varies enormously. Some of the playback is dreadful and so much so that the medium is a complete waste of time at the moment as a general means of showing presentations. Back to the PC! Best wishes everybody.


  2. Have just copied latest version P2E show to DVD using Ulead MF2. Quality of picture only fair on PanasonicTX-28PK2/E. Am using Phillips DVD writer and Bush DVD player with full screen video display 720 by 576 PAL. A 50/60 refresh rate Pal and NTSC. Digital bit stream processing rate up to 10.08 Mbits/sec.

    Problem is a very noticable lack of steadyness of image specially in highlights although dissolves are good. Not seen this problem mentioned previously. I do not really know what standard of picture is'normal' for DVD pictures. Would a higher quality DVD player be the answer? The Bush player now 18 months old was fairly cheap.Can anybody help please? I have incidently shewn the DVD show at its normal picture format but the problem remains.


  3. Having read these interesting views I fully agree with Contaxman ie separate the shows betwen those seeking critique and advice and those shows offered just for enjoyment. I too have download problems and have really no idea what to select. I am sure i miss some good ones as a result. The number of downloads is no indicator whatsover of quality. One thing is for sure there is a huge range of talent out there and a downloader needs to have some idea what is available!

    Could I suggest that Bill offer the presenter the choice of what category to enter. In any event something needs to happen to control the huge input.


  4. A MOMENT IN TIME is loosely based on a true story that may intrigue. Originally made some time ago in 35mm slide tape format and now converted and archived to digital format with not a little help from some of you in this very friendly forum!

    Nevertheless the conversion has been rather time consuming and my better half is now threatening to bin my PC! Kind regards and thanks to you all


  5. I am not sure of the possibilities of sound with P to E software. Adding a basic music background is as far as I have got. I am used to creating analogue sound tracks with voice overs sound effects and music all mixed up as necessary and matched to the visuals. Perhaps someone has already sorted this problem and I should be very pleased to hear. I am impressed with the software otherwise

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