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Uploading to the web

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Can someone help me. This is a first for me.

Do I zip the pte file + the photographs into a zip file and upload it to the web in a downloads folder. I have done this but all that happens is that Winzip program wants to download. Is this because I am using an evaluation program of Winzip. I have not used Winzip before.

The link is as follows:



Jean Pearce

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Hi Jean!

I think you're missing a few steps.

When you create the show, there are 2 files: one that ends in .pte which is a very small file. When you're ready to "publish", you create an .exe file, which contains all the photos, music, and the viewer all bundled into one, so the recipient need not have PTE installed.

After you create the .exe, that's what you can upload to your web site. You need not upload all the photos or the .pte file. The exe has it all!

Many people zip the .exe because it makes it a bit smaller and also it changes the name to .zip. Many viruses are spread as .exe's, so some web sites and email programs don't like .exe's.

Hope this helps! :)

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Is it your intention to make the show available as a download from (your) website or do you wish people to view it directly on the site? If the former, then consider visiting Beechbrook Cottage (http://www.beechbrook.com/pte/) a site that hosts shows for free. If the latter, it's as well to bear in mind that a show can be pretty big (e.g. 12 M or more) and so it's not really feasible for people to view this on-line.

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