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Trouble making icon


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I've always been able to make usable icons with Irfanview, but I kept getting error messages. I made the icons 16 x 16 and 16 colors.

Can anyone set me straight as to how to prepare an icon for version 4.3?



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The following is a piece I wrote for a club member. It may help.

I make my original creation in Photoshop usually from an image within the sequence, cropping it to 4x4 ratio. I then add lettering usually three characters otherwise they will not show. I then reduce the image to 32 x 32 pixels and save as a *.jpg file.

Next I use the IrfanView programme a freebie downloaded on the Internet. There are various sites if you search, but try www.IrfanView.com. Once you have the programme, open it and select File>Open and your saved file above. Check from Image>Resize Resample that the image is still 32x 32 pixels and from Image>Decrease color depth that it is set at 256 colors (here I have found it necessary for use in PTE to select 16 colors then back to 256 colors, don’t ask me why)

Then, still in IrfanView, File>Save as>File Type>ICO-Windows Icon, give it a file name and select where you want it saved. I have a separate folder for my icons and I also save it in my Project file for the sequence.

Ron [uK]

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with irfanview

open a jpg save as *.ico

then try setting to the following

32x32 256 colour

i checked my icon folder and found one as low as 7 colours

i always have to diddle the colour setting

it can be done - just perservere:)


Thanks, Ken. As I replied to you via email 32 x 32 x 256 worked just fine!

I'm just puzzled as to why 16 x 16 x 16 didn't!

Oh, well, the larger dimensions have to make a better icon anyway!

Thanks again.


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