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How can I fix it?


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I have a MIDI for background music and it is set to repeat. My slides move as expected during the first playing of the song. Then the slide slow "freezes" on one slide and plays the entire song. It then advances once again and "freezes" for the entire song. Needless to say, this makes for a looong and boring slideshow. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for any input!


PS I need to maintain control over the duration of each slide as many vary in length.

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Thanks for the suggestion! Yes, I tried different music (in mp3 format) and it still got stuck. I also tried suggestions from an earlier post (to Arrange all points, to start over, etc) with no luck. I finally came up with a workable solution for this case. I ended up adding in the same song 4 times and clicking on "play songs in random order."

However, initially I had wanted to use two different pieces of music. I had to scrap that idea because I just couldn't get it to play without freezing at the end of a song. (And the random order option wasn't applicable for timing reasons. I wanted to sync slides to spots in the music, hard to do when you don't know which song will be playing). So I'm still looking for suggestions or a solution for this problem for future projects.


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How about synching the show to the music so you have total control over the timing? Will your system play the second music selection in that case?

Also, did you try different music selections, in different PTE shows, and does your system refuse to play the second selection in all cases?

If you wish, send me your "pte" project file (no images - just the pte file and MIDI music selection) and I will have a look to see if I can spot some sort of conflict in the timing. (alrobin@alrobinson.com) .

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