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Dual Monitor Display


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I am just curious to know whether anyone else uses PTE on a dual monitor system. I use something called UltraMon that allows me reasonable control over my twin monitors. I set the displays at different resolutions so I can have a preview of how things might look on a different screen. PTE itself does not have built-in dual monitor capability (I believe...), something that might be useful in future versions? I strongly believe that most graphics/presentation software should support dual monitors and allow for preference setting.

Also, I am whether people would support the idea of PTE being able to produce presentations that could utilize twin monitor systems? Of course, this may be an uncommon configuration for home users, but I provide presentations sometimes for people who do use this set-up.

This is really just 'testing the water' on this issue.


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Hi Beth

I use a dual monitor set up.

Find it very useful when I'm creating my sequences as I can have PTE on one screen and then ammend images in Photoshop or sound in Audition on the other screen as I develop the presentation.

Don't think I would be interested in PTE being able to produce presentations that could utilize twin monitor systems - would not have any use for it personally.

BW Maureen

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Hi Beth,

Long time, no hear from ~ Personally I agree with Maureen, PTE is not the place to incorporate 'Twin Monitor Utilities' ~ Had this been a viable proposition Adobe Photoshop would have done it long ago.

When using Twin Monitors there are 2 ways to go about it, the Software Way and the Hardware Way.

The 'Software Way' (which you use) is very limited in all respects as its using Duplex Video algorithms which considerably slow's down your PC as you are asking it to 'twin-task' and PCs' are not designed to 'twin-task'.

The 'Hardware Way' is the best approach. There are 'Twin-Monitor Adapters' available from many Video Card Manufacturers complete with Installation Software which completely removes the burden away from your PC. Costs from 60 ~ 200 Sterling.

This is the way 'Giant TV Screens' are driven...aka...BBC.Tv and Sky.Tv and Outdoor Concerts.

Hope this helps.


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Hello Brian and Maureen

Yes, I did wonder if there would be much response to the dual monitor issue. I would love PTE to have dual monitor functionality - but more for my own delight than anything else. Dual montors are fantastic for imaging work though.

Brian, the latest Photoshop (CS2) actually allows documents to be dragged out of the application window and onto another monitor so I guess that's a small move toward 'duality' - just a little one!

I had been thinking about a hardware solution so your ideas were very useful Brian. Thank you!

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