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Multipule Videos in PTE (ShowVideoPTE)


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I'm new to PTE and am attempting to create a slide show interspersed with a few video clips. (I shoot stills and my wife shoots video.) I've seached this forum and found Boxig's utility, ShowVideoPTE. It appears that this utility will only work with one video clip per PTE show. So I've strung several PTE "segments" together with each segment in a separate folder. If I put the utility and the video clip for that segment in another folder below the one the PTE segment is in, it will play the correct clip in the correct places. The problem with this solution is the music is all chopped up. Is there a way to get ShowVideoPTE to run one video clip in one slide and a second (or third) clip on a second (or third) slide all within one PTE show?

I've tried puttting "ShowVideoPTE" "filename2" in for the external application but it will only play the first video clip in all places where ShowVideoPTE is called. Any other ideas to make this work? Is there an easier way to do this? Someone told my I should try ProShowGold as they thought that it would handle video.

Getting Frustrated


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