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  1. E-mail received. I will try it when I get home. I know the software (at least the trial) does what I want it to. Mainly I wanted it because it is the only one that I have found that does, in fact, run on Windows 95 which is the operating system used by the person I'm making the slideshows for. All of the other trials I tried (about 4 or 5) either didn't work on Windows 95 or one only had numbers for the transition effects (and no guide as to what number went with which effect . . . all 128 of them) which quickly got deleted! 'Tis the season for stress.
  2. Well, at least now I have a response. Hopefully I do in fact receive the e-mail again (haven't yet) and I can try installing as you described. I would be nice to be able to work on that Christmas present tonight. Bear
  3. Hi all, Well I can't say that I'm very impressed with the registered version of PicturesToExe. Mostly because I paid for it, but can't use the registered version because the ONLY thing I received from WnSoft was a registry key in text form. No installer, no message. I don't know if this is standard for this company but it's pretty unprofessional to ask your customers to manually insert a registry key to register a program. For $30, you could at least write an installer or something. And so far I haven't heard anything from tech support (which is supposed to be included in the price). So I have a Christmas present that doesn't look like it's going to get done because this weekend is the time I was going to spend putting most of it together . . . except I can't because I've paid for a programme I can't use at the moment. The last thing I need is to bugger up my computer by manually editing the registry. Bah Humbug. Maybe my credit card company can get my money back for me since so far I did NOT get what I paid for. Bear
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