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  1. All worked out....I wish I knew how to delete this comment?....not so easy.
  2. Folks, Hoping someone can help me. I have made a AV using PTE. Adding music to tracks (8 types of music in track 1) I was able to see and hear the music and slides as designed,using the play button in edit/view area on the top RHS of the screen. However when I view the whole AVI from the start (11 minutes) towards the end my last two pieces of music/sound seem to change. One lasts only for a few seconds, goes quiet for a second and starts up again. My last piece of music does not get heard. I have used exe 6.5 and 7, and have created the project as a EXE file and played it in windows media player - same problem. I know I have set it up correctly as I can see and hear what I want in the edit area as I am building it. I press OK when I have made changes to the music. Any thoughts? are there differences in the edit area to the "preview" option? are there maximum sounds/music you can add? Regards Brian
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