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Posts posted by pushu

  1. Brian:

    to answer your questions:

    I am running photoshop version cs3

    I am not running norton anti virus but do have another anti virus

    the network is always on as is the internet as I have roadrunner

    I'm not sure what you mean about my lab acct system?

    I did the search for ps2 and came up with 58 files

    I did the search for ps3 and came up with 5 files - they are marked sp3 (3 of them have a .dll extention)

    hope that bit of info helps

    thanks, Jim

  2. post-117-1214878105_thumb.jpgpost-117-1214878105_thumb.jpg


    Glad to hear the lens is serving you well. It was a small price to pay for all your time

    All my computers were working just fine prior to trying to install 5.5

    They are all set up to automatically download and install all new upgrades, so I would have to say yes to the install of XP-Sp3, even though I have no idea what that is?

    As usual your instructions are easy to follow and I am attaching the screenshots requested - one from each computer

    thanks again for all your help


  3. Brian:

    Thank you for replying. Maybe you recall you helped me out at lenght a few years ago when I had an issue with a virus ( coolwebsearch, I think) do you recall the lens shipping fiasco? Good to hear from you again

    My computer was working just fine prior to downloading, I have had nothing to do with vista. I tried the same operation on another computer on my network and have the exact same problem. the second computer was just built for me with top of the line specs.

    both are operating with windows XP

    Hope that info can be of some help


  4. I have had many versions of pic2exe and have never had a problem upgrading from one to the next. with 5.5 I get error messages with everything that I do. I have uninstalled it and re-downloaded it but to no avail. the only version I have on my computer is 5.1

    when I first install it and try to add any image the first error I get is " invalid floating point"

    If I try to add another I get "access violation at address 0060AB52 in module 'apr.exe/. read of address 00000058

    If I try to play a show I get " unhandled exception at "TPeEngine" disposing (D:\_common\WnLib\Win32\wpTypes.pas,line 539

    what's up with this? any ideas

  5. I'm sure the info I am looking for is already posted someplace but I cannot locate it. If someone could direct me there it would be much appreciated

    Where is the tutorial for burning a dvd with 5.0 deluxe? Right now I am creating the dvd within the program but it takes me about 6 hours to burn the dvd. Is this right? should it take this long? I think the show is about 2 gig in size but I could be wrong about that. I have always resized the images correctly, the show has about 300 images, and my sound trac is an mp3 created in audacity.

    I may be confused about creating the avi file. Is this step necessary or can I go directly to create dvd?

    thanks for any help

  6. If you have a project open and click on the "Full screen view of slide list" at THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER you will find that you can move the slides around. I suspect that you are using the "Full screen view of file panel" at the top and this will not work.

    Kind Regards


    Right you are Peter! thanks for that bit of info. Do you know what is the purpose of full screen view button on the top?

    thanks, Jim

  7. Is it possible to slightly move the location of where the file name appears? When I burn a DVD and view it the comments are partially cut off. I wasn't sure what the line spacing option was under the comments tab, but that didn't seem to make a difference.

    Is there a setting under the screen tab I am missing?

    I would just like to have the comments appear on the top but in a slightly lower position

  8. Is it possible to slightly move the location of where the file name appears? When I burn a DVD and view it the comments are partially cut off. I wasn't sure what the line spacing option was under the comments tab, but that didn't seem to make a difference.

    Is there a setting under the screen tab I am missing?

    I would just like to have the comments appear on the top but in a slightly lower position

  9. thanks for the replys.

    the more info I get the more it seems that there was no virus. when the client put the disc into his laptop, it started doing all kinds of crazy things (according to him) I think what it comes down to is that his laptop already had issues and perhpas the loading of the show was the last straw. He wants me to burn him a new disc so I think he knows it as well.

    thanks again

  10. I have scanned my system and try very hard to stay up to date on my anti virus software.

    I scanned the shows that were burned to the cd and they came up clean, but don't have the actual cd to scan.

    Turns out it may not have been a virus after all. After getting a bit more info, the customer was told it could have been a virus and it could have come from the cd.

    I guess I won't loose any sleep over it but was curious to know if it could be passed along on a show.

    I can't find any trace of a virus on my system but not to say there never was one there.

  11. thanks for the replys. I was thinking of going ahead with the full version of moviefactory 3 - I see it is 49.00

    I checked ebay and there is multiple copies of moviefactory2se listed.

    I wasn't sure if the se version would be suitable or not so I will probably just go ahead and purchase the full version.

    I appreciate the replys - perhaps this will ease my frustration

  12. OK, so I deleted the desktop folder and rebooted the system. I should be back to square one which is where I have had the problem all along. Only just yesterday did I create the second pte folder.

    I guess what I am saying is that I still have the same issue

    any suggestions???


  13. Brian:

    What if I were to delete all traces of pte from my computer, and then download and install the latest non-beta release? If I did that then there could be no conflict issues, could there???

    If the problem exists after I do that, then would that not point to a different cause, such as the video card?

  14. Conflow:

    That is some reply! I hope I can follow what you are saying.

    As far as the original show goes... the problem I am having is not specific to any one show. It will occur on shows that are old or ones that I create right now. On an earlier post I mentioned that I had reformatted my harddrive recently so pretty much started with a clean slate just a few weeks ago. As of now, I have two versions on my system, but only one is installed in the program files folder. I downloaded the new beta and put it in a folder on my desktop to keep it separate from the program files to check for conflicts. (see earlier post)

    Where exactly do I find the setting for refresh rate? The color is set to (true color)32bit

    My cd that came with the video card (matrox parelia 128) is damaged but I have downloaded the latest drivers when I had to set all my systems back up.

    when it locks up, I don't have to reboot... I have to hit alt/ctrl/delete and shut down pic2exe and then all is well.

    as far as the dud Comms.Buffer" thing..... well, you lost me there.

    your help is most appreciated

  15. Is anyone using ulead movie factory 3???

    I downloaded the 30 day trial version but cannot make it work.

    Don't know if the problem is with me or with movie factory 3

    All the talk is about movie factory 2 so I wanted to hear from someone using 3 that it works for them

  16. Brian:

    I tried what you suggested. the show played without a problem if I used the arrow buttons on the nav bar or not. Can give no report on audio as there was none in the show. However, all of my shows play just fine regardless of the object editor problem. If I didn't want to use the object editor, I don't think I would be aware that I have a problem.

    I did not download any programs, although I have had to install many. all my work is done in photoshop. don't use any thumbnail program

    I have opened the display properties menu many times.

    I recently had a problem with my system and ended up have to reformat my hard drive and install a new mother board. Of course I had to reinstall every bit of software. But all worked fine for a time and all of a sudden the problem popped up.

    I am having a bit of an issue with my video card as I cannot make the s-video out work. Also there are a few quirks with some other programs (kodak's photo desk) that seem to point to a video card issue, although I'm not positive.

  17. Let me add a bit of info to this. Ralph emailed me with a few suggestions and one of those was to download the new beta7 and put it into its own folder and install it into that folder so it is not part of my program files. then to try everything from that version just to see if there is a file conflict with me downloading and installing a new version over the existing.

    I did that and a very odd thing happens.....

    the first time I opened the program, I went to the first image folder that came up (it was jpegs) and added the images (about 20 images) didn't go any further and then chose the object editor. much t my delight, it worked properly. I thought the problem was solved, so I opened up a show I had created a while back and tried the object editor again. this time I had the problem as before as with every other thing I tried.

    So, I deleted everything and downloaded all over again, installed into a folder by itself and tried once more, this time with a different folder of images. the first time I select object editor, it works fine. however, it only works on the first try. everytime after that I get the problem.

    Is this odd or what????

    Conflow: I will try what you are suggestion right now and report back. thanks for the suggestion

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