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Everything posted by 4ipilot

  1. DG, thanks for your response. I agree about the accepted way of doing this and quite frankly do it myself at times (also use screen capture software - not too crazy about that method). Just thought it might be easier for a method built within PTE itself so that viewers of the show can readily see the prompt and copy that way instead of having to explain to them the Print Screen option. It was just a thought. Thanks again.
  2. Any chance of including a Save or Copy function so that viewers of a slideshow can have the ability to save a photo/slide from the show to their computers? I know a Copy function was available in older versions of PTE but later omitted presumably because of issues. I just get a few requests from viewers of my slideshows that are not computer savvy, as to how they can "download" a copy of a slide to their computers. Thank you. Jack
  3. Many thanks to Lin, DG, nobeefstu, and Ron for your help with the Print/Save option for the slideshow. I took the advice and went back to version 7.0.3 and the Print/Save function was there and worked. All is well and everyone is happy. Thanks again for your expertise. Jack
  4. Thanks DG. That's a great idea. Will try this method as it may be easier for those who are not as skilled at using the computer - I'm beginning to question myself. I'll advise one person who has contact with all those that are viewing the slideshow, as to how to use your alternative. Great advice and thanks again. Jack
  5. <You can't really "create" a button or feature which copies a particular image in your slideshow using PicturesToExe. The way you have to proceed is to create your slideshow with manual advance and then use a screen capture software to capture the image and save it to a file.> Thanks Lin. I do have screen capture software and will suggest this to those that want to "copy" the photos, although they will probably have many problems in doing so (little computer experience). But I now know the answer and will proceed from here. Thank you so much, and everyone else's help in this matter. Jack
  6. I've created a picture slideshow and would like to create a button in O&A that would have an action of copy rather than print. The photos are of an important family function and there are requests to copy rather than print a photo of their choice. The slideshow was created in both EXE for PC and the equivalent for Mac. If there were a way to do this without the button that would help also. Just would like to have the ability to copy from the slideshow. I have a sneaky suspicion there is an obvious answer but if there is, I don't see it. Thank you for your help. Jack
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