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Mickey B

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Everything posted by Mickey B

  1. Hi Lin Apologises for the late reply and thank you for your offer of assistance. After studying the way in which a 'Slide Style' has been set up, I have discovered the error of my ways and now have a full grasp of where I was going wrong. Sorry to have wasted your time and thanks again for your kind offer. Best Regards A much wiser..... Mickey B
  2. Wondered if anyone can help me understand where I'm going wrong with trying to set up the 'smooth' of a pulsating dot I have set up to track a route on a map. Essentially, I have created a number of key frames along a road line on a map for a masked pulsating circle to track. I have set up in linear mode first which works fine however when I change PZR to 'Smooth' the circle simply tracks directly from the first to the last key frame missing all the others in between. I have gone into 'Setting up' and 'separate here' between all Key Frames in PZR however this simply provides a jerky movement between each separated Key Frame. I have watched the Lin Evans tutorials on the subject and wouldn't consider myself as a total novice at using Pictures To Exe but setting up non-linear PZR always seems to baffle the heck out of me. Can anybody shed some light on what I am doing wrong? Mickey B
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