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Everything posted by akphoto

  1. I have heard Barry Beckham state that he can exit to Photoshop from within PTE, do what he has to and then come back to PTE. Unfortunately he doesn't say how this is done. Can anyone help? I imagine that there must be a function key stroke for this. Many thanks Alastair Knox
  2. Very sorry to hear this - Some of the PTE presentations are excellent and I use them for demos to my camera club of what can be achieved with PTE.
  3. Hi Julia If you are into Photoshop it is dead easy - your show becomes a number of layers in a Photoshop file with the bottom layer as your background. You keep adding your new images layer by layer and each layer can be as different as you want it to be. You switch layers off and on to build up the sequence you want to present. If you are not into Photoshop, then I'm stuck too ...! Regards Alastair (akphoto)
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