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Posts posted by bjtap1

  1. Barry,

    I was unclear.  I will try to be more clear. As for the non-pro version I meant using the built in features already in pte. For instance, I  used the addition of a rectangle and manipulated the animation features such as opacity and zoom for backgound. This yielded, somewhat acceptable background. I was thinking someone with your skills and knowledge might be able to expand on that and other alternatives using only items within PTE AV Studio Standard version.

    As for the external programs, I do have an older version of Photoshop and when I had the non pro pte version I did resort to using photoshop to create blurred backgrounds. Then it dawned on me why stop with blurred backgrounds when there are other filters available in photoshop. Then I decided to un-retire some other programs like dynamic auto paint which changes photos into 'artistic' photos. (eg pencil drawings, watercolor, acrylic etc.) and DP  Animation which, for example, can take photos of things like waterfalls and bodies of water and create movement such as waves, ripples, movement of water down the falls. (DP Animation does more than that). I then substitute these short animations for the original photo. Your videos inspired me to look at external programs to enhance backgrounds. I guess just about any photo manipulation program can be used!

    Meanwhile, thanks for the link to the video and the extras. Having looked at the link I don't believe I have seen these particular videos yet. I can see already there is a plethora to learn and use just from the above link.






  2. The following post was requested by Igor to be re-posted here, and I gladly do so.

    Suggestion: I would like to learn the create options (styles and transitions) a lot better. May I suggest a couple of videos that start out with simple examples to lay the foundation and then followed by a couple or few more 'complex' examples.

    BTW: You can thank Barry Beckham for this customer. I watched several of his videos and he demonstrated how powerful your product is... and it is! I have a ways to go, obviously, but I hope to learn some of the more powerful aspects of PTE AV Studio. Thank you for a great product!


    I would also like to add another request: Barry: You video about backgrounds for vertical photos is very helpful. I have personally updated to the pro version but perhaps you can do a video for those who do not have the pro version and suggestions for backgrounds for verticals. Following you lead I have used external programs (some taken out of mothballs) to create backgrounds or use in PTE.

    Thanks again,


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