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Posts posted by digartal



    The intricate patterns and self-similarity found in fractals accentuates the curves and contours of the human form, creating a dynamic interplay between mathematics and biology. The combination of organic movement and geometric precision evokes a sense of harmony and beauty, blurring the boundaries between art, science, and the human emotions.

    This is NOT a perfect show by any means. It was an idea to create an AV at the last minute. I also have some video but wanted a more punchy effect with snappy single images. The edit process of over 300 images images meant this became a time and benefit process.

    Learning - next time take more time to set the camera up squarely for batch processing of images.

    Here are the results.


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  2. On 5/18/2024 at 11:57 AM, goddi said:


    Ok, that is interesting. But since Mark used the word 'problem', I was not sure what he was getting at. I guess that my monitor and video card are good enough to make everything look good! That's nice.:rolleyes: I was really just concerned about the file settings and ultimate viewing quality and file sizes.



    Perhaps "issue" or "difficulty" or "obstacle" may have been better - problem, was just a word and a solution offerred based on my experience. 

  3. Mr Google states when asked about the error message:

    This means that codecs used by the video file for compression are not supported in the video player used by your device. In this case, you need to use a codec that can be played by your media player or device.

    How do I fix audio format not supported on my TV?
    Adjust the audio format on your TV

    To resolve this issue, you'll need to adjust the audio format within the TV's Sound or Audio menu. Typically, these settings are located under Digital Audio Format or Audio Output. The format or output must be set to one of our supported home theater audio formats.
    Maybe this helps?
  4. 20 minutes ago, goddi said:


    Yep...with these large video files, my hard drives are filling up. So, if you don't see any difference in the files, I'll be converting them to 1920x1080, 60 fps, and dumping or moving the exported Insta360 MP4 files (which can easily be recreated). Just weird to go from 3840x2160 (102 Mbs/s) to 1920x1080 (3.879 kb/s) and not see a difference.


    Hi Gary

    The problem will be your monitor or video card. It is probably at your maximum on 1920 x 1080 and cannot display 4K (3840 x 2160). I know my monitors cannot and I have a high quality video cards (hundreds not thousands in cost) lots of RAM, diskspace etc. I use 4 monitors so the monitors are the weakest point. The bottle neck for all technology is the weakest point and everything is slowed to the weakest size/quality.



    • Like 1
  5. Thanks Gary, that has been the criticism of the Insta files in various 360degree forums (propietary software editing).

    The Theta uses DNG and JPEG for stills and MP4 for video so universal editing tools apply.

    Storage with any video is a problem (even mobile). The good thing is that storage is cheap these days. The other option is the cloud which removes the loss of files due to hardware or theft.

    My normal equirectangular 360's images from the drone and the Theta can generate video using a screen recorder but quality is not great.

    The big issue will be weight and what photographic toys to take with me when travelling.

    Thanks again.


  6. Round 7 of the 2023 V8 Superboat at Round Mountain Raceway at Cabarita just up the road (about an hour away). Big day with races taking under 1 minite most times. Over 50 individual races plus warm up and once they start there is not much time between races. This is the final race of the day and I managed to capture this mishap in front of me. Made a selection of images into an AV. Touch and go for a while for the crew so I stopped photography and resumed once it was clear.



    • Like 3
  7. Not an expert by any means but.........

    So in the project mode when you play it there is sound?

    Try saving another version and press the play button at the end of the creation and see if there is sound?



  8. 19 hours ago, Rosemary A said:

    Great show thank you for sharing. I remember the TV show well and watched it when we lived  in UK


    Thank you Rosemary. It was a great play and unable to video due to copyright but they do allow our camera club to take images for the actors.

  9. 13 hours ago, mhwarner said:

    Nicely done! Thanks for sharing. I usually just do time lapses on my phone.  They are automatically put together as an .mp4, with no additional work required on my part.  

    Yes I do that also but more of a movie speed ramp (slow down) rather than a timelapse albeit that is what the phones use as a name. My phone has two modes but a different effect. This is over 400 camera still images made into a movie as such and taken over a 40 minute period.

    Thanks for commenting.

  10. Will be interted to see what you come up with. Seems like you have a handle on it already re the insv and insp files.

    I use the Theta Z1 for work and 360degree single images but the video output is not good.

    My understanding is the the OneX3 is great for video but unsure if you have the interactive option in the MP4. I stayed away from the Insta range as they have propietary software.




  11. 12 hours ago, JRR said:

    Nice images Dave

    When I visited Australia, I tried to get pictures of a superb wren (The blue "version". I managed to get it sit still once to grab a shot. You obviously had a much better experience

    Thanks JRR. The Superb (Blue) is more common around here than the red backed. I used to have some blues in my front yard but local pets scared them off. Right place right time and while I could not adjust to my desired settings, it was timely.

    Thanks for commenting.


  12. Managed to capture a few hundred shots of this tiny little bird (Male and Female) with my digtal camera last week.

    Images edited and cropped square for social media.

    They had been quite shy and elusive but saw some more this morning strangely enough.

    Made some of them into a slide show using a Style shared by DaveGee - thanks again DaveGee.



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