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paul alford

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Posts posted by paul alford

  1. Thanks for the replies thus far,

    yes, I have tried ctr F5 to refresh,

    yes, the test preview was on my local computer

    yes, I uploaded all 9 images to the same folder on the server,

    yes, I deleted cookies and temps

    yes, I have checked and double checked spelling and caps

    I can make a change on this same page and upload it, I do see some of the changes, but still dont see the images in question. Like I said, I can view source code and some of the code that I inserted is totally gone. How in the world can code be missing that I can see from CuteFTP (view file) but when I browse it in IE6 and view source, its gone ?????

    Keep the ideas coming guys !!


  2. Can any of you IE/web design/FTPer guru's out there help me...

    I uploaded a new page today to my site and I dont see all of the

    items on it. Others do (you will) but I dont. I have 9 small images

    on this new page but I only see 3 of the 9 images. They are are in

    the same folder, sitting on the server correctly, I just dont see

    them on my own computer when browsing.

    I use Dreamweaver to create my pages and IE6 to surf. I see all 9

    images when I created the page and even when I test previewed it, but

    when uploaded, I only see 3 of the 9 images.

    To make things more complicated, I created another page with nothing

    on it but 2 of these images - 1 I do see and the other I do not. I

    uploaded that and still only see the 1 image. I can even "view

    source code" on this page and I only see the line code for 1 image -

    where did the other line of code go for the 2nd image ? I can open

    the page in CuteFTP and both lines of code to show the images are

    both there, but when in my IE browser, only 1 image shows and only 1

    line of code. HUH ??

    I have never seen this.

    The 9 image page is


    The 2 image page is


    ANy ideas ?




  3. Igor, I will add my 2 cents.

    1. Any way to work on the Objects moving when showing in different screen rez ?

    2. I personally am not a biggie on a million transitions since I usually only use the fade myself. I think too many transitions is distracting for a nice slideshow.

    3. I love the zoom and pano effects already said.

    4. How about the ability to control music for 1 show (like a menu show) that I can stop or pause to run another PTE show (with its own music) then back to the menu show with its music again. Cant do it now without playing 2 songs at once.

    5. Maybe another shape or 2 for the object buttons.

    6. An icon maker for the EXEs.

    7. Maybe this one should have been #1 - encryption. The option to turn off the alt-print screen is nice, but folks can still capture the screen in other ways. Is there any other way to defeat this with some kind of encryption ?

    Keep in mind we will all be very satisfied with whatever you come up with. We always are. I have been pushing other pro photogaphers here in SC to use PTE for years now. Many have bought and are now using it for a proofing tool (thus the need for encryption). Thanks again for the program and all the hard work you do with it Igor.


  4. Thanks for the replies... I think for now, I will keep it simple and not have music at all in the menu part. I dont want to stop the 1st show since the menu is not the first slide in it. That would get nuts to re-see the intro to the menu everytime. Maybe that music start-stop for shows will be more comprehensive in another version or two. I might look into Boxig's utilites soon though. I just dont seem to have too much play time anymore.


  5. I have 1 show (running as a menu - holding for 5000 secs) and have links there to start another EXE slideshow that has its own music on it. If I have music playing (in background or 1st slide) for the menu show, it keeps playing when I click the link to the 2nd show (which plays its own music too). So I have 2 songs playing at once.

    Is there a way to have menu music and have it stop, to go to the 2nd show with its own music ? THEN when the 2nd show finishes, it goes BACk to the menu with its music again ?



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