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  1. Thanks to everyone for replying. Al, I have followed your instructions and now have a suitable copyright logo saved, but, when I use the "Object Editor" to place the logo on the slide, the logo is off centre despite using percent in P/shop and alining it dead centre (50% top and sides) and having the central "block" in the position dialogue box in the editor selected - how can I get the "text" dead centred over the slide and how do I copy it over the other images, is there an easy way? Many thanks Kevin.
  2. Thanks Jim, I know how to get the symbol using the method you outlined, what I need to know is how do I make a jpeg image of my own copyright information to superimpose over the slides to try and prevent illegal copying of my work - I want to use the slideshows as wedding preview albums. I need to know how to make the P/shop background transparent so that only the text is seen when overlaid onto the slide in PTE. I have tried creating a jpeg image then reducing the opacity in PTE but the text just disappears at low settings and at higher ones there is a white "ghostly" layer which is obviously the P/shop background. Also, I created the P/shop image with the text centred on the page, this then threw out the alignment when I tried to place it using PTEs location settings. Does this make the problem clearer?
  3. How exactly do I create a copyright logo with Photoshop to overlay onto my PTE slides? I have tried to create a jpeg image but the preview screen has the logo's plain background overlaid which lowers the contrast of the picture even when I used a transparent background in P/shop. Also, what size do I need to create the text in and where do I position it within the jpeg image to correspond with the locations offered in the advanced box in PTE?
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