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Tony Falla

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Posts posted by Tony Falla

  1. Sorry I am new to this, the question of is it a surround sound file or a stereo sound file is new to me. I have been using audacity to create an mp3 file which I then used in PTE, I obviously have missed something in Audacity need to go and investigate.

  2. I have a 5.1 surround system on my PC. I have found that when I play a PTE project the sound only comes out of 2 speakers, in my case the back 2. Surround sound works as intended when I play an audio CD. Is there some option that needs to be set up in PTE to get surround sound to work?

  3. I am new to this so excuse me if I am asking an already answered question. I like to work with about 20 to 30 slides at a time, using custom synchronisation. My problem is that when I add a second or subsequent batch of slides, I have to go through manually and add transition points one at a time for each new slide. Is there any way I can just add the extra 20 to 30 with a general synchronisation, without destroying what I have already done?

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