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Posts posted by JohnFeg

  1. Thanks for that Ken & DaveG, is my understanding correct that I: create the avi files for each slideshow, click "finish" in the avi creation dialogue box, before creating the 2nd, 3rd etc etc avi file, but, leave it open after creating the final avi and leave it open while Nero is doing its business?


  2. I have created, as seven separate PTE slideshows, a record of a recent journey through Egypt. Each slideshow, in its .exe format, is about 15 minutes long. Total volume of data is a little under 2 GB.

    I want to make a Video DVD incorporating all seven individual slideshows, ideally as chapters.

    I, normally, use Nero Vision Express for making DVDs.

    What I cannot figure out is: that, as the PTE Project has to remain open while the burning engine transcodes the data, how do I retain that data while I repeat the process for the other six slideshows?

    I will be most grateful if someone can point me in the right direction.


  3. Many thanks for that information Al. I've put my settings, more or less, the same as you describe. Also, there is a facility, in my control panel, to record settings as a Windows file, which is handy.

    There are a lot of adjustment options in the control panel that I don't really understand, but as things seem to be working just fine now I'm going to "leave well alone". I guess, in due course, I'll sort out the finer points.


  4. Thank you Al and Maureen for that advice. I'll have a good rummage through those links you posted.

    I got my new toys yesterday, an M_Audio Firewire Solo and a Studio Products B1 microphone (I'm working on the theory that there are no pockets in a shroud!) Wish I'd found out about the trick with the tights before I slpashed out £20 for something I could have made myself. C'est la vie.

    Al, I'd be interested to know what settings, for voice recording only, you use in the M-Audio Firewire Control Panel. It has the feel of a black art to me!

    I have, though, managed to make a start. The short recordings I've achieved have, at least, resolved the original difficulty I was experiencing. In fact, they quite exceed my expectations. All that is needed now is an elocution course!

    Best wishes


  5. I promised to keep you posted on progress. Having discussed my requirements with a helpful and knowledgable guy at "Digital Village, I've got my new mic. and an audio firewire interface on order. So stand by!

    Although it's early days, I thought it might be worth while to bring members attention to : www.questiontools.com

    where I found an excellent article on speech recording.



  6. Very many thanks to Conflow, Alan (The Oldie) and Jim (JRR) for all the very detailed,and welcome, advice. Naively, I had no idea things were quite so complicated!

    I'm absolutely certain, however, that you are right about my microphone. It has the appearance of originating in a Christmas cracker.

    When I've managed to "get my head round" the technicalities of it all, I'll let you know how things progress.

    Best regards


  7. I am very much a newcomer to PTExe. and am using Cool Edit to add music and spoken commentary to my slideshows. I have had no problem with the music side (from CDs) But when I record the spoken commentary, I have encountered a couple of problems.

    1. some spoken words, such as those wiyh a sharp "K" sound, cause a "crack spike" on the recording. I think this might be due to the "cheapo" microphone I'm using. If someone can recommend what sort of mic I should get, I'll put it on my Christmas wish list!

    2. The level (amplitude) of the recorded speach, compared to that of the music track, is very quiet. I am having to use the full range of the facility "increase volume of block" to get things to balance out. Is there a way to set the volume level at the time of recording?

    This is my first day in this forum, I'm very much looking forward to taking part in discussions.

    Best wishes


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