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Posts posted by canteau

  1. I picked up some free Hannah Montana 3D glasses at Walmart awhile back. Good thing! WOW! I am impressed!

    Must you use 2 cameras? What if you just shift one image slightly, can you get pretty close to the same effect?

    Thank Bobo

    Yes I use 2 cameras with simultaneous triggering by remote control.

    Then I work with StéréoPhot Maker and Photoshop for anaglyphs.

    For more information this website http://www.alpes-stereo.com/i_index.html

  2. Hello Bernard, long time no see .....

    I enjoyed your shows very much,but for me you've made two shows into one.

    The sequence of the Harbor would stand on it's own very easy and the sequence of the celebration parade (Well Dressing) I thought was superb, your photography was up there with the best and coupled with the 3D effect you have a keeper.

    Two questions on your set up if I may, does your wireless remote trigger both shutters?, if so how have you got it set-up?

    What are the focal lengths of your matched Lenses and how do you focus with the tape holding them in position, isn't the AF system affected?

    I have had a go at 3D but with one camera and a rocking motion between exposures, results can sometimes be hit and miss as I'm sure your aware.

    Lets see more of your work please.


    TOM thank you

    Yes, I wanted to make one slide for this event.

    Yes the remote triggers the 2 cameras simultaneously via the USB.

    Focal Fuji is 28-400 and drive belt.

    OK soon other slideshows :D

  3. Hello,

    A slideshow 3D (with pictures anaglyphs) on the 100th anniversary of the blessing of the sea at Port-en-Bessin (Normandy) to 15 August.

    This slide is the first made with my new assembly (2 Fuji), I am quite satisfied with the result despite a time Normand ... God thank you but no rain which would have caused a disaster with this decorative paper roses.

    Unique and breathtaking show, organized and prepared by all the inhabitants of Port-en-Bessin throughout the year.

    with anaglyphs glasses red/cyan

    Thank you for your comments



  4. It should be viewed on a monitor running at 1280*1024 or higher or you will not see the show as I intend it to be seen.

    If you have any issues with that, I would rather you didn't view the show and I will try and live with that disappointment :rolleyes:

    Hi barry,

    Why this Windowed mode and no Fullscreen ??? :unsure:

    look ! Resolution 1600 X 1200



    Very very restrictive or my question is stupid ??? :rolleyes:


  5. Ah you like all your images almost square, you have been watching too much TV :rolleyes:

    Yu should change resolution in my view to see what the author produced, if you don't like it hit the escape, but as an AV enthusuast you should resect what the author is trying to do and present.

    If people didn't push the boundaries we would all still be bored witless by the carved wooden pew ends of church seats. I seem to recal they where the highlight of the camera club at one time.

    Go on push the boat out onve in a while and watch at 1280*1024 :P

    I agree with Patrick and Ken, the author has to adjust and not vice versa ...

    How many people are going to change the resolution? Zero!

    And then PTE V5 can be adapted to all screen resolution, so why impose a resolution to users ?

    Maybe review what is being done on other forums...


  6. Well Ken, bravo ! :D

    Thanks Marjo,

    I wonder what it takes to create a slideshow like yours....Let me guess

    - a huge amount of patience (surely)

    but above all a real sense of beauty.

    embarrassed... :)

    - a sophisticated equipment (no doubt !

    yes I acknowledge Marjo... :P

    It is the first slideshow with anaglyphes done with this camera




    Made in canteau...


    With glasses anaglyphs

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