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Paul T

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Posts posted by Paul T

  1. I have just put my latest presentation on Beechbrook showing some of the rivers and estuaries plus the boats and other nautical items around the area that I live in Suffolk. I have tried to keep it short because I have noticed that in the past some of the presentations I have done do seem to be rather long. I do hope it is enjoyed by those that watch it, and will be interest in any comments. One thing I have done this time is to add titles to some of the images but on reflection feel it might have degraded the show.


  2. Hi Alan,

    People from my generation don't understand Rap music either and when we were young we couldn't understand why our parents didn't get Rock and Roll, but that has little or no effect on the wave of popularity and what will happen in the future.

    Interests in video effects are wide and varied and the Ken Burns Effects have become the topic de jure. You can't stop a "wave" so best to just catch the ride and enjoy it. Those who want to continue making slideshows as they have done for a number of years will continue to do that and those who want to explore the myriad new features will do that as well. Right now there appears to be more interest in the new features and capabilities than in simple transitions, music sync and lovely images. That may change or it may not but one thing is certain - there is room on the forums for everyone and every opinion.


    Hi Lin,

    I think what you have said in the reply to Alan is all that need to be said on the matter, and put very well. I’m no spring chicken but I still love to embrace new ideas and any new technology. I love bouncing balls and floating cubes.


  3. Paul

    I downloaded the sequence first thing this morning, before breakfast. I didn't like to comment because at that time you had not asked. Now that you have I can say that I thought it was great in the way that you demonstrated with some excellent photography how each piece of the fountain was restored. Ken has asked "did you supply the labour". Am I right in thinking that from a previous thread or a website that stone masonry is your line of business? Thanks I really enjoyed your sequence, which should form the basis of a good promotional tool.

    Ron [uK]


    Thanks for you comments, and have noticed that you and Ken are nearly always the first to comment on any new presentation and always have positive and constructive things to say. Unfortunately I don’t supply the input to this great forum as I think I should. Although I do read many of the discussions that take place feel inhibited to comment on many occasions. Perhaps I have to make more of an effort in the near future.


  4. Paul

    very interesting show -- did you supply the labour in the interest of history :)

    -- it is a shame things are left to deteriorate :(


    Hi Ken

    Glad you think the show was interesting. The work was carried out by my self, my son and one other employee and was funded by the local council for parks.


  5. This presentation was created about eighteen months ago in PTE 4.8 and would say it may be of limited interest as it is more of an information presentation to do with the type of work I do. However, after just recently showing this to an audience it did seem to receive favourable comments and felt it may be worth putting it on beechbrook. I’m still not sure if this is the type of work that people are happy to view or if I should be on beechbrook anyway. Your views on this would be much appreciated.


  6. Feedin' the beef & breathin' the air - in Boulder, Utah on Beechbrook.com

    is the latest in the informal series: "The Good Stuff of Life" .

    I would like to hear what you like or don't like about it. Or any other observations. Presentation is about 11 minutes long.

    How pleasant it is to sit at my computer monitor in Ipswich England and look at your living environment the other side of the world portrayed in these images. How envious I am of such a life surrounded by such rugged beautiful scenery. Nice photography, and music to compliment the images. Liked the shot of the isolated feather laying on the rocks. Very nice work

    Regards Paul

  7. some shows to download at


    The one is a bit old, Hong Kong

    Comments would be welcome


    Just watched your show called Ingrid and liked it very much. Nice images with dissolves and fades plus very suitable music which made the whole presentation classy and held the attention of the viewer. However, I would have liked to have seen more close-ups of Ingrid in the same mystic way that you portrayed her. This is not a criticism but a preference. Well done and hope to see more of this type of presentation as I do like this more creative artistic work.

    Regards Paul

  8. Hi Peter,

    Thanks! After my appointment yesterday with the opthamologist I'm very confident that my vision will return to normal soon. I don't wear glasses but using the testing equipment even through the haze of floaters my vision measured 20/20 (corrected) for each eye so perhaps I'll soon be fitted with glasses - HA! At 64 years I suppose it's time...

    Just be thankful you don't have to peer through the "real thing" complete with sub zero temperatures, high wind and snow freezing around your face - LOL. We love the snow, but have had about enough for now so praying for warmer weather soon...

    Best regards,


    Thanks Al, after my appointment I'm much more confident of a full recovery. There was no retinal damage and the number and density of floaters has greatly diminished already so things are "looking good" (pun intended)...

    Best regards,


    Hi Lin

    So glad to hear that things are looking better regarding your sight. It must have been a great worry especially as your site is so important for the work you do, and can’t imagine for one minute not being able to take photographs. However, I feel pleased for you that the future is looking good.

    Best regards Paul

  9. Hi guys & gals,

    I've suffered an eye trauma which will prevent me from much in the way of forum participation for possibly a couple months depending on how recovery progresses. It's nothing permanent but my vision is greatly affected temporarily and it makes it difficult to see what I'm doing. I apologize to those whom I promised more AV Tutorials on how to implement the snow effects, etc. I'll try to keep working on it if I can make out the screen but it's slow going right now....

    Best regards,


    Hi Lin

    So sorry to hear about the proplem with your eye and hope you are able to make a speedy recovery and will miss your contibution to the forum for a while.

    All the best Paul

  10. This show was put together by using images from the Hubble telescope and reconstructed planets, comets, and star backgrounds created in Photoshop.

    The most difficult part was synchronising the sound movement and explosions of the comets. Still not perfect but working on it. The file is a large one and I do think I have made the show rather too long. Will be interest in any views on the presentation.


  11. Hi, I'm new here,

    I live in Bordeaux, in France.

    Here is the link to my first show with Pte5 beta7, it's called "J'adore t'écrire", it's an illustration of a French song about Desire, Vulnerability and about the pleasure of writing to a woman.

    A word is very important in this show, it's "erubescent" who means "turn red".

    The link: J'adore t'écrire

    Before using Pte, i was using Proshow, now with the new graphical engine of Pte, I'm very very pleased to use it, it's a fantastic program, only multiple sound track is missing.

    best regards


    Stunning, breathtaking, sexy, moody, imaginative, creative, skilful, artistic and a joy to watch. I have never felt so moved and absorbed by such images before and I feel this work you have produced must be classed as a pure piece of art. Congratulations well done Stephane thanks for showing me such a creative piece of art.

    Regards Paul

  12. Beautiful job Paul - smooth as glass for most except those with challenged video environment. Excellent photography and stunning presentation.

    Best regards,


    Hi Lin

    Glad you liked the show. If I tell you that the images are from a four year old 4 mega pix digital Canon compact G2 camera you may be surprised. As my wife and I when to see Chicago the musical in London I decided not to take my Nikon 200D as it would be to awkward, so opted for this old small one. The panorama shot was 4 images stitched together with Photoshop and spent hours removing the droplets of rain off the pod glass but the end result was worth it. I don't know about you but I'm spending far too much time with PTE and may have to go into rehab to be cured.

    Regards Paul

  13. Earlier in this year 2006, there was an exhibition of paintings and sculptures of over 4 centuries, all from various museums of the city of FLORENCE (Firenze, Italy). This was a big opportunity and a beautiful delight for everyone who could not dream to go to Italy...and all others.

    It was permitted to take photos which is quite seldom but most of the artworks were encapsulated in glazing windows so it was quite difficult to take good photos.

    But I could not resist and I wanted to share my joy and happiness and decided to do a slide show. Enjoy and let me know if this was a good idea.

    :rolleyes: It is there...


    Thanks for sharing such a wonderful display of Art with the use of PTE Some of those paintings are breath taking and the way you put together the show was excellent. By introducing pans zooms and rotation gave the presentation a wow factor.You made use of many transition types but they have been used to create an intended end result, not used for the sake of it. Fantastic, show me more.


  14. Hello Paul

    Sorry but music stops after a few seconds and the show is strongly stuttering and impossible to look at until it's end :blink::blink::blink:

    Hi Patrick

    Sorry to find you are unable to play my show. I can only think it could be your video card in the PC is not able to cope with the flow of data. I'm not knowledgeable enough in this field to know if this is the problem or not.


  15. Words fail me Paul. That was an excellent demonstration of the use of PTE 5.0 and a superb presentation of the London Eye. Thanks a million and what a target for us lesser mortals to attain. Good luck.

    Ron [uK]

    Thanks for your kind comments Ron. I have now edited the original and have achieved an illusion of movement with the pod moving slowly down to the river and made the glass transparent so the background is visible. This has taken me a long time to carry out but the end result seems visually real. I will try and put this sequence on Beechbrook for you to see.



    Excellent show. The use of PZR was just right. It really made you feel like you are there and looking through the windows out onto London. The use of the clouds and movement of the image made it very much video like. Nice job all around.

    Thanks for sharing this with us.


    Thanks for your kind complements Fred. I have now edited the original and have achieved an illusion of movement with the pod moving slowly down to the river.

    and made the glass transparent so the background is visible. Also I have made the moving clouds more pronounced This has taken me a long time to carry out but the end result seems visually real. I plan to put the sequence on Beechbrook for you to see.


  16. This is a PTEv5.0beta#7 presentaion with many pans and zooms of a view fom the London Eye. Not the best of days but produced many dramatic skies. As the pods had rain drops on the glass it resulted in not being able to use as many of the images as I hoped. However, with photoshop I was able to clone many of the drops out. Interest in comments anybody wish to make.


  17. Fine photography and atmosphere. Feel it needs a commentary, - I know nothing about Shrubland Hall. Didn't like the choice of music but this is always personal. The Deer at the end seem just tacked on and would have been better included as a change from all house shots to break them up. Most of the v.5.0 P and Z were very acceptable to me, although I would imagine some people would decide that there are too many of them. The early morning shots were very good, and one tranistion stays in the mind after viewing once - that of the frosted fucia and the stonework that comes in from behind it. Thank you for letting us see it and I hope these comments are helpful.


    Hi John

    Thanks for you comments. I think you are correct about the stag at the end I thought the same but liked the shot so much I made the mistake in desperation of just making use of it. In retrospect I should have not included it, or as you said used it at the correct place in the slide show. After watching the show so many times in the process of putting it together I find it difficult to judge if the music is ok ,if the images are longer enough on the screen and it does help for comments from others who are detached from the construction of the slide show. As for commentary, should it not be that the images tell a visual story ? However, I did consider a narration but felt that it would be suited better for video rather than a slide show.

    Regards Paul

  18. This is a presentation of a collection of images taken over about 4 years of a stately home estate where I have a work shop and carryout stone repairs and conservation on the fabric of the building and the garden stonework and felt this collection would make a suitable slide show. Interested in any comments or constructive criticism to help me improve my presentations.

    Regards Paul

  19. This presentation available on Beechbrook took a long time to create but I still struggle to achieve smooth pans & zooms. It was suggested that the mp3 music was conflicting with the pans and zooms. However , I have tried it without music and still makes no difference. My video card seems ok and should cope with pte.

    Any other ideas please


  20. I like the show very much Paulo, to improve the show make the images a same size. Soundtrack is much to loud in the red. :rolleyes:

    Thanks for your comments I think you are correct about some of the sound I must be more careful in the future. Do you know how I am able to create a transparent backround with text on. I can do it in Photoshop but when I flatten it the backround goes white. Oh by the way I see you are Dutch and my wife is also from the Nederlands a place Beverwick and sometimes we visit relations.

    Regards Paul

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