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Posts posted by jfa

  1. I set it to synchronize with the music. Do I set the duration of the show to play sychronized to the length of the song...snip

    Go to the "timeline" then set on "Auto spread slides along music". This will cause the slides to be equally distributed along the music track so that music and slides end together.

    snip.....I don't need to do zooms, pans, etc. Just want it to work and be able to work with my customers non-high end computer system.

    With the image size you are using, MP3 sound file and a 20Mb exe you should have no problems with PTE v5 on your customers system.

  2. G'day Michael and welcome to the forum.

    I just got pictures to exe on advice of a friend and have found that building a slide show worked well. My question is, how do I save it into a form that can be emailed to friends? I see there is a back up zip function but no indication that this is how you export.

    Even in ZIPed format your shows are likely to be too large for email, (10-80Mg plus for the EXE). The best option is to upload your show to a file hosting site and email the link for downloading to your friends, (also let us know here if you wish to share your work).

    One I use for this purpose is "MediaFire".

    It's free for files up to 100Mg, you can put as many files up as you wish for an indefinite time. The link for it is:


    How do I copy the pictures to exe slide show to a DVD so that the full quality show will run on a different computer?

    The best option is to copy the EXE file, (via CD/DVD), to the other computer. The EXE will always be a better quality than a show burnt to DVD.

  3. G'day Mario welcome to the forum.

    Is the only difference between the Standard and Deluxe versions of PTE, burning software?

    Yes, I understand it is.

    Can I burn my slideshows with Nero just as effectively or is it better handled with PTE Deluxe?

    In my experience there is a slight improvement in the quality and speed of the burn in PTE Deluxe over Nero and others. It is a lot easier to stay in the same package and do the whole job.

  4. I must agree, Igor take your doctors advice and have a good, relaxed break.

    You have done a great job on PTE v5 deluxe and it is running just fine.

    We all wish you well and feel we owe you a lot for the great program you have given us. Your health IS the first priority, the best upgrade you could do for us now is to follow your doctors orders.

  5. Michel as I have said elsewhere, thanks for posting your PTE slideshow on the Strasbourg fireworks.

    I enjoyed the way you used the music and sound effects to match the images, very creative.

    Zoom effect was used well also, not overdone as it can be in some shows.

    We are having the worst national drought since European settlement here in Australia and firework displays have been stopped in most parts of the country for some years. It was good to bring back some nice memories.

    Thanks again.

  6. I want to be able to run what might be described as a 'pause and resume transition'.

    Imagine the need to illustrate a process in which two pictures can describe a change of state in a subject. But the presenter needs to be able to describe what is happening in several stages. In short, the presenter wishes to start a fade ... pause it to say something ... resume the fade ... pause it again for more instruction/description ... start it again; and so on.

    The whole slide pair might be on the screen for many seconds; even a minute or two.

    G'day Barrie and welcome to the PTE Forum.

    This can be done simply be ticking the "Permit control of show using keyboard" which can be found under Project Options>Main tab. This will allow you to pause the show for as long as you wish by hitting the space bar, then when you wish the show to resume hit it again and the show/music etc will restart at the point it was paused. The halt can be done during the third image as you wish as many times as you wish and at any point in the show.

  7. Can someone tell me why PTE5 has discarded the 'transition to desktop' effect at the end of the slideshow? On version 4 it was a very useful and versatile effect. Now, the only way to end a show is abruptly with the final frame of the slideshow cutting straight to the desktop - no fade or other transition can be used. It looks terrible. Alternatively, I can leave the last photo hanging there.... not a very satisfying way to end a show. What made you take out such a useful function? And when are you going to put it back in again?????!!!!!!

    Have a look here:


    Also if you do a search on "desktop" in the forum you will find a lot of discussion on the loss of this function.

    Hope this helps.

  8. snip..... have a look at the quick demo and let me know if you have any suggestions on how it can be improved.

    Ron, nice use of the Panos Photoshop action.

    Maybe a black leader on the film strip which would then remove the white strip on the right of the screen when the first image stops, or just use a black background but this might remove the effect of the sprocket holes?

    Also the end of the film is a little abrupt. Perhaps the end title could slide onto the screen the same as the film strip.

    Images could be a little larger and displayed a little longer. Use zoom in then out on each image when it stops perhaps.

    Just a few suggestions.

  9. Igor on the next update would it be possible to reflect the minor upgrade number in the title bar of PTE and in Help>About PicturesToExe.

    I have several versions running sometimes to check functionally and it can be a little confusing as to which is which. Version 4.48 had this. No hurry with this one. :)


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