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Everything posted by quiltlady

  1. Al, you are THE MAN!!! That's exactly what I needed, and I think I'm on the right track now. I just got hung up on the music part of it, and didn't even SEE that sound option below each slide, silly me. Thanks to everyone for your help! And Lin, thanks for the tip, I bought the program last night after I got my PC put back together. I still don't know what happened (or if it will happen again ) but I'll be more prepared if it does. Thanks again everyone, Nadine
  2. Hi again all, I just had a hard drive crash (I'm on my hubby's pc that sit's next to mine at the moment). I tried to reboot because when I was previewing the slideshow, I would get it full screen instead of windowed, and as soon as I moved the mouse, it would end the preview. Obviously something went haywire, though I don't know really what it was, since when I rebooted, I got a blue screen when it tried to run windows, and it said I had an unmountable boot drive error. Now, thanks to HP's completely un-userfriendly repair/recovery console, I've had to do a complete system restore to factory settings, and start afresh. The only silver lining here is that all my personal documents and data are on a separate hard drive (for exactly this reason!!!), so at least when I get all the programs loaded up again, I'll be up and running. I'll have to try all your suggestions after I get it back together again. Could be a couple of days, but I will try it all, and let you know how it goes. Thanks again. Nadine
  3. Hi Ken, Thanks for the welcome! I'm using P2E version 4.48, and here's where I am after your suggestions: I've added the voice over as one long track to the whole show. You said "enable permit control of show" but I can't do that unless I tell it to synchronize first. So, in Project Options, I have checked "permit control of the show", which you can only select if you first select "synchronize slideshow to music duration." Once I do that, I can select "customize synchronization," and move the slides around to get the right portion of the voice track to be with the right slide, but this means that the slide will change when the voice track says it's time, whether the user is ready to move on or not. You said to not sync it if I wanted the user to have control, but if I don't sync it then the voice track just keeps playing on, no matter what the user does with the slides. I do have a navigation bar, but I hadn't put a pause button on it, since the if the user is in complete control of the advance of the slides, it really isn't necessary. So, this isn't working the way I need it to work. Do I need to add the voice tracks singly to each slide then? And how do I keep it from looping the tracks if I do that? Thanks for your help!' Nadine
  4. Hello all, I'm a new user of Pictures to Exe, and I've made an educational slideshow. I need to add voice over to the show. Here's my requirements: I need the slideshow to be controlled by the user. The user needs to advance the show, move to a different section, etc. I need each slide to have a different voice over track, reading what is on the slide. I've tried adding the separate voice tracks singly to each slide that they pertain to, but when the track is over it loops and starts playing again. That won't work for my presentation. If I add the voice over as one single mp3 file to the whole presentation and then syncronize it with the slides, I need to be able to have the right voice section play with the right slide (which I know is possible), but I need the voice track to not get ahead of the slides if the user stops on a certain slide for longer than the associated section of the voice track. Does this make sense? How is the best way to do this to achieve the results I need? Thanks in advance for your help and advice. Nadine
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