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Bill Artman

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Everything posted by Bill Artman

  1. Lin; Thanks very much for your help. I will read the information you mentioned. Have a great week! Bill
  2. Hello; I started using PTE 5.0 a couple of days ago. I am trying to make my slides pan and zoom during the slide show but I can find anywhere in the project options how to do this. Can some one please help me? Thanks - have a great day!
  3. Thank you Jeff for your reply. I thought that you may need an external sound editor. It sure would be nice if PTE would let you do some very basic editing like make a song shorter with a fade ending. Thanks again for your help!
  4. Hello; I am using PTE 4.48. When I have a very short slide show with 15 or 17 images, I would like to add music. The problem is I never can find a song that is short enough to sync the length of the song to the few number of slides so each slide won't be on the screen for a very long time. In the music sync bar, is there a way to tell PTE to fade our the music when the show reaches the last slide? Is there an easy way to do this without using another program such as Audacity, etc. to make the song shorter? Thanks for your help! Have a great week!
  5. Thank you to all of your replies. If I have 20 slides and want each one to show for 4 seconds that would give me an 80 slide show. Would I then go in to Audacity and tell it to make the song play for only 80 seconds? Thank you!
  6. Hello everyone; I am using PTE 4.43. I have a very short slide show that I would like to add music to. The length of the song is too long for the small number of slides in the show. Is it possible with the sync timeline to tell the music to autmatically fade out and end (before the song is actually done) with the last slide in the slide show? I don't know how to time various music lenghts with different slide show lengths so the slide duration isn't tool long or too short when the music plays. I have looked at the music sync tutorial and I am still confused - sorry! Thanks for your help!
  7. Jim, Guido and Admin1 Thanks for your responses. I have downloaded Audacity as Guido suggested. I would really be nice (much faster and easier) to use multiple songs directly in Project Options/Music without having to join them in an external sound editor. Have a great week!
  8. Hello; I am using PTE 4.42. When I create a slide show and add more than one song in Project Options/Music there is a click with a small burst of static after the first song ends and before the second song begins. I am using MP3's that I downloaded from Napster. Does anyone know what is causing the static click noise? Thanks!
  9. Admin and Conflow; Thanks for your reply. I have not responded until I checked the forum as I usually get email notification when someone replies but it looks like the email notification is not working. I will do the testing you suggest and will report my findings in a couple of days. Thanks again for your help!
  10. Techman1; I have tried other MP3's and when I have more than one in the slideshow I hear a click/status between songs. When I pre-mix several songs together as JJR suggests there is no click. I like to add the multiple songs directly in PTE so I can control the total length of the music. Thanks for your response!
  11. Hello; I am using the current version of PTE. When I add more than one song (music) to my slideshow you can hear a medium loud click/static sound after one song ends and before the next song begins. I am using MP3 songs. Does anyone know how to prevent this noise between songs? Thanks for your help - have a great week!
  12. Ron; Thanks very much for your answer. I'll try it tomorrow. Have a great week!
  13. When I make a slide show I always have a beginning title slide which positions itself as the very last slide in the slide list because the file name is an alpha not numeric. I am clicking the title slide and dragging it to the top in "jerky" up and down motions at the top of the slide list to make the list scroll toward the top. Is there any way to move the slide from the last in the list to the first in the list? Thanks!
  14. I paid for a couple of downloaded music files from Napster to use in my PTE slide shows. After I downloaded them I found out that they are wma (Windows Media Audio) files. Is there a way to convert a wma file to an MP3 file? Thanks for your help!
  15. Granot; I have purchased Swishlite 1.52 after your recommendation that I can use it to put a slideshow on my photography website. I am trying to learn the program by using only 4 JPEG images each with the Fade In action. When I play the movie only the first image fades In repeatedly. It doesn't step through all 4 images. By playing around in the Modify menu choosing Send to back, forward, etc. I sometimes can get the movie to move between the first and second image then repeats but not all four. I have tried everything I can think with no luck. Do you know why the movie won't move through all four images? Thanks very much for your help. Have a great day!
  16. Alrobin, thanks for your reply. I should have specified that I want to run the PTE slideshow from my website - thanks for the clarification. Boxig, thanks for your reply too! I clicked on your "this" link and your slideshow started. Yes this is exactly what I want to do. Can you tell me how to put my PTE slideshow on my website such as you did then make it run when I click on the link? Could you also click on a JPEG image to make the slideshow start? Thanks for your help. Have a great week!
  17. Hello everyone; I am using the current version and beta of PTE with Roxio CD/DVD Creator 6. I want to make a simple "slideshow DVD" that plays when the DVD is put into the set top DVD player and stops when the last slide is done. I have imported the PTE avi file into the Roxio Intro clip area and burned the DVD. The DVD slideshow plays but after the last slide it the slideshow starts over again from slide one - I don't want it to repeat just stop after the last slide. I have the PTE option set to "stop on the last slide". Then I tried to delete the Roxio default intro and import the PTE avi file into Movie "A" in the "workshop" and burned the DVD. Then I got a tiny menu button showing the first slide of the slideshow in the middle of the TV screen. After playing around with the DVD player remote I got the slideshow to start. I don't want any menu buttons, I just want the PTE slideshow to start and run one time! Does anyone have a suggestion as to what I am doing wrong? I think the Roxio user manual is very confusing. Thanks - have a great day!
  18. Hello everyone; I am a professional photographer and would like to add a PTE slideshow as a link on my website so visitors could view sample images, etc. Is this possible to do and how? Thanks - have a great week!
  19. Chumba; I am currently using MP3 music for my PTE slide shows and it is working good so I assume that is the format that I would want. Since my PTE slide shows are usually different lengths because I am showing a different quantity of wedding photographs to different brides and grooms I use a program called MP3 Surgeon to combine the individual songs into a longer presentation. My slideshows run any where from about 7 minutes to about 20 minutes. Have a great day!
  20. Hi Mark; I am a professional photographer. I give my clients a PTE slide show to view their wedding and portrait images. For weddings, baby portraits and non high school senior portraits I like a softer more mellow mood. Piano or instrumental would be good. For high school seniors the mood and beat needs to be quite a bit more fast paced, energetic and lively. I have never heard of bespoke music. When you say specially commissioned does that mean that you would produce the music mp3's especially to my requirements and sell it to me? I might be interest in that if it would be easier for me to get exactly the kind of music I was looking for. Would I pay more for high quality music? I don't really know. What do you mean by higher quality? The music I am using now sounds good on a pair of PC speakers and on the television speakers. It would depend on the cost and what is meant by higher quality. Have a great day!
  21. Ronnie thanks for your reply. PTE does allow you to use a password and an expiration date if you burn the slideshow to a CD. I have done this ever since I started using the program. Now my question is if you create an AVI file with PTE and then create a DVD to play on a person's television will the expiration date feature still work? Have a great day!
  22. I have always used PTE with an expiration date for CDs that I give to my wedding photography clients to view their wedding images. I would like to start creating a PTE DVD instead of a CD so the client can play the slideshow on their TV. My question is will the expiration date still work on a DVD. Thanks for your help. Have a great day! Bill
  23. I was reading the paragraph below in Igor's Admin message announcing all of the new features he is working on for 4.20. Does the "go to any slide" mean that you can type in a slide number or somehow specfy a slide number and PTE will go to and display that slide? "+ Improved synchronized mode of presentation. Now you can fully control presentation in this mode; go to any slide; use Navigation bar; Pause feature. To activate this mode set checked "Permit the control ("Project options | Main tab)." I am a professional photographer using PTE for my wedding customers and this "go to any slide" feature would be fantastic. Igor thanks for all of you hard work through the years on PTE. I'm also looking forward to the DVD capability
  24. Hello; I am using P2E 4.10. Is it possible to create a P2E DVD slideshow? Thanks!
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