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Everything posted by photoguy00

  1. I know I may be asking a very basic or elementary question but I'm not sure on how to install the screensaver or set to run on a machine. Could anyone help out on this one please. Thanks
  2. I've using P2E for a couple of months now and love the program, it's exactly what I was looking for. However, there is on suggestion that I'd like to make that is this: Instead of just showing a list of filenames for images in the show or for images to chose from, I think life (at least mine) would be a lot easier if these were shown as thumbnails. Sort of like power point, it would make arranging the photos so much easier. If this could be done this program would be near perfection. I'd like see what the rest of you think about this. I hope to see this change in the near future. Thanks everyone. Steve
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