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Posts posted by pbear-1

  1. Although it has been a while I have added music to slideshows many times in the past This time, however, I cannot get the program to sync. I am using P2E Deluxe 6.0. I have set up 6 tracks of music totalling 37'53'' to which I set a show of 366 slides. No matter how I set it up ( project option, auto sync or timeline set, last music to end on last slide, etc) the music wants to run several minutes past the last slide. Could it be that the bird sounds at the beginning and end of each music track without actual music are being misinterpreted in the length of music estimate? Any help would be most appreciated. (I have not yet gone to other music to see if there is a difference).

  2. Thank you, Ray and Peter, for your assistance. Following Peter's suggestion so that I can use it in a similar fashion for future shows I did as suggested. However, the Set End of Last Slide to End of Music is greyed out. I turned the Synchronize back on, hit the Start Preview With Current Slide icon, and the timeline for the show increased from 275 minutes to 1102'02 ". When I hit preview the music starts but the show will not move off the first slide. I only have one piece of music, 3'09" long and i wanted the 70 slides to move quickly through that 3 minute timespan. What do I do now please?

  3. I have used P2E for some time. I recently downloaded V5.6. I have assembled a slideshow of 70 slides and added one song of 3'09" duration. But even though I have clicked Synchronize slides to music in hopes that I would get a rapid 3 minute show I either get something that says 6+ mintes or, if I go to timeline, something that gives me 275 minutes 29 seconds. I think it may have something to do with the transition times but I have fiddled with the timing on effects and even shut off effects without any benefit. Suggestions?

  4. Thank you all for your prompt and clear recommendations. That made it a lot easier. I have one final question if I may. Do I still have to change my resolution to 1024 x 768 when I am putting together a slideshow for projection purposes or can I leave the resolution at the high quality that I use for my regular viewing? And many thanks to all of you on this excellent forum.

  5. I have created a show set to music using version 5.0 of P2E. I subsequently took the same set of slides, removed the music, and made what I considered to be the proper steps in the project options pages. After I finished and hit preview the show ran without my use of the mouse or keyboard. I created the show and again, when I clicked on the icon, the show ran itself. What do I have to do to create a show that will only advance when I slick the mouse?

  6. Joseph,

    Hans will correct me if I'm wrong, but I think what he was recommending is that you check to see that you do have all of the images and image objects available, for images #127 on, in the folders where PTE is expecting to find them. Sometimes these images get deleted or moved or renamed once a show has been created, so that they are no longer available for use by the PTE project.

    Another thing you might check is the music. Try running the show after the music has been deleted, or if synched to music, try replacing the music with another selection, or selections, of the same total length.

    You beat me to the punch, Al. Turns out that the CD that I had purchased and used for the program must have some sort of protection in it precluding its use in other programs. When I deleted the music and ran a manual program it was fine and when I added other music in place of the first it also ran fine. Thanks for your input; your were right on.


  7. Hi Heather,

    It sounds as if this may possibly be related to the music. Ask your customer to temporarily remove the music and re-create the executable and see if it works correctly. If the music isn't MP3 I would suggest converting it.

    In either event, it would be a good idea to have them come to the forum and possibly read the threads with similar issues (not too many) and maybe zip up the executable and send it to Igor if it doesn't turn out to be a music issue. Either way please let us know...

    Best regards,


    It turns out that it was indeed the music. Apparently the CD that I had purchased and used for the music must have had some sort of protect device that prevented its being used for any other program. When I used other music the program functioned just fine. I guess the words "access violation" should have been the tipoff.


  8. Hello josephm,

    What I would do is following: Load your pte file and run the presentation from the area (pic) where it occurs the problem. If the problem doens't happen in your sample preview I really don't know what's wrong and it should work fine after you made the exe. But anyway if the problem still occurs try delete pic 126-127-128 and reload (renew) them again at the same place and try again!

    The best would be (always to make templates) and check if all files indeed are show up in bold if you load the pte from the template!

    If you have add seperate objects or buttons and placed at a background pic they don't show up in bold but check if the files are in your template as well! Often the link stayed to their old location, even when you overwrite the template. In that case click location and replace the objects from the ones that are located inside your template. These two actions took away some similar errors I had in the past by loading older presentations and try to change music or addings some pics to it!

    Hans, I don't understand what you are recommending here. Can you spell it out in a simple, stepwise fashion? josephm

  9. Did you rebuild EXE file of this slide show in v4.48 and same problem?

    What file size of the EXE file?

    What kind of music file you added to this project: MP3 or WMA?

    Will the problem gone if replace music to another MP3 file?


    I took the same show, created an EXE file in the 4.48v and changed nothing else. It is about a 93 mb file. I used mp-3 music and did not try to replace any music. I think I will just have to start from scratch and do the show completely over using 4.48. I may not be able to complete this until after Christmas but then I'll get back to you either way. BTW, how do I make certain that 4.48 is permanent and not temporary trial version (since I already purchased P2E and this wshould be a free upgrade)?


  10. I have done several slide shows without incident. Today I was creating a variation of a previous show with a total of 295 slides + music. At about slide # 127 the show stopped with an acces violation message as follows:

    Exception E Access Violation in module Bosque del Apache at03-05-06-music-295sl.exe at 0006AC45

    Access violation at address 0046AC45 in module 'Bosque del Apache 03-05-06-music-295sl.exe'

    Read od address CD640AEC

    I am unable to proceed. What do I do next please?

    Thanks for any assistance


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