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Roger G D

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  1. I have recently updates to v 5 and now find I have a problem with significant dead time being introduced between MP3 files. I have edited the music as wav files and eliminated all original lead in and lead outs then exported as MP3 files. When I have a sequence of these files in the show, I find Pic to Exe has introduced 20-30 seconds of silence between the files when viewed in the time line. (And when played). The work around has been to combine all music into one file and export as MP3 but now I fine about 1 minute of silence added to the end of the file. I am using settings "Play Music Independently" as I want to get the change of slides to correspond exactly with the change of music. One other effect I have noticed is that with the single music file, when I play the show from the timeline window, the sound I am getting from my speakers does not corresponding with the waveform I am viewing so that I cannot really synchronise the slides with the pictures. I would be very grateful for help in solving this - sorry if it has been dealt with before but I have searched this forum and cannot find a similar question. Regards Roger Later - Just made some more tests and find that the sound track is playing even when there is no apparent waveform so clearly the slides are not syncronised with the sound. But this does mean there is less deadtime between tracks. Thanks for any help
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