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Bill Wiley

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Everything posted by Bill Wiley

  1. Thanks to everyone for all the information. This has been a learning experience and I will make changes in the future. Like Jeff Evans suggested, I was able to change duration of the last slide and that made the difference. Seems elementary now. The presentation finishes out smoothly and comes to a nice close. I will also be careful in the future to check music durations, etc., as well as convert music files to MP3. I didn't know what software programs were available for that and now I'm in business. This was my first post on this site and all of you really helped me out. Thanks, Bill P.S. - If you're in to nature/wildlife photography, my website is www.wmwiley.com
  2. The song was recorded in .WAV format and offhand, I don't know if I can change it to MP3. I've tried saving it in MP3 but the program(s) I've brought it up in won't let me. I'll be able to try some of the suggestions above in a couple of hours, so if something works I'll be eternally grateful. Bill
  3. The music I'm using is 11 minutes 26 seconds long, but when loaded into the presentation the Timer says it is only 11 minutes and 15 seconds long. In other words, 11 seconds get cut off the end of my presentation. I can't figure out how to make the presentation play the entire 11:26. Right now the entire presentation simply ends. Any ideas? Thanks, Bill
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