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Everything posted by armor

  1. A slider would be very nice, and that looks like a nice way to have it done. /Math
  2. I'll try it out, and see if what it would like to be. Seems to me that this is a workaround for missing the option for more buttons in the navigationbar. But if you paste, you need to past in every slide right? My last presentation had 3880 pictures so it will take a while :-) I have tried and done some presentations where the first picture contains the buttons and you can go back to that one with the "home" button", but this looks a little unprofessional in my viewpoint.
  3. Thanx for welcome me! Well, if, like I do, you make presentations that lasts for over 80 minutes. Its a very long slideshow, but I do them a lot. And some times you want to go to fast forward in the show. So, the "slider" is for prewieving and also for the ready show. Its like an option you can choose to turn on/off when you bulid the presentation. I know the option "preview from this slide" exists, but for an option I would be nice to have, but no need to have. But, anyway just nice to have. When it comes to the navigationbar and buttons. I use the buttons to jump to different parts of the show, but there is one thing I havent managed to do. Perhaps I dont just know how, but I would like to have the buttons showed always in all pictures, like the navigationbar. But right now the only way, as I know how to do this, is to customize every single picture to have the buttons there. I would like more programable buttons in the navigation bar there I can define name and what picture I would like to jump to, so I can have more options in the navbar. Like "home" "next" and all standard buttons but also like "january", "february" for example. Regards! /Mattias.
  4. Hi all. Im using PTE alot and there are some features I really miss. Two things I would like to see: first, a slideroption so I can slide like in "windows media player" through my pictures in the ready .exe file. This would be very helpfull as an option. Second, I would like to have buttons I can assign to a picture number so I can start where ever I like inside the slideshow. I know the function is already there, but I want the buttons on a navigationlist´. Well you can call it an extended navigationlist. This would also help a lot. /Math.
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