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  1. There is no difference between the old machine and the new. On a hunch I decided to make a the pictures smaller. The exe was 389 MB. By scaling the pictures to 1280 pixels on the long end I reduced the final exe to 50 MB. This reduces the wait time to 3 seconds. Takes awhile to start it up but that is ok. Since you have been able to get a 700MB project loaded I decided to disable the Real time scanner on my anti virus (CA). Sure enough, there was no trouble browsing the directory with the 389MB file. It also started up instantly. Another check against anti virus programs. I will keep my shows smaller for customers. They typically run some kind of anti virus so this will make it easier for them. Thanks for the input. Michael
  2. This is very strange. I started using 5.1 on my old computer and it was ok. I now have a new computer. Everything works fine. I can preview it, etc... Then I create an exe. That works. But here is the problem If I go to the directory with the exe everything drags to a halt. 30 seconds plus before it will display. All other directories display ok. If I right click on other files in that directory it is ok. I get the menu. If I right click on the exe file it can take a minute before the menu appears. And you do not even want to talk about double clicking on it. It seems that the exe produced is wacked. I have tried moving stuff to other directories and the same problem occurs. Upgraded to 5.5 and still the same problem. Anybody seen this before? I can generate DVD no problem. This program has now become useless. Any help appreciated. (Yes I have tried rebooting) I am running the Delux Edition XP Pro SP3 4 GB memory Asus MB and Asus Video card (1GB)
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