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Everything posted by ezdzit

  1. Problem Solved! Everyone - Thanks for your interest in resolving this problem. Suggesting changing the icon size drove me to revist what I had previously tried. Prior to posting on the forum, I tried, or thought I tried all combinations within the display properties (and advanced), including changing icon size, monitor resolution (normally set at 1680 x 1050), etc. Apparently on the Display Properties - Appearance Tab - Font Size I did not try all three choices. Normally I have this set for Extra Large, which is not really all that big on a 22" monitor. Reducing it to large was an improvement, but reducing it to Normal appears to have solved the problem. Fortunately this is an easy fix, and when working with PTE I'll just change to the Normal font size, then when done, back to Extra Large. Interestingly, this is the only application where something like that is necessary. Perhaps this identifies a fix for future versions? Thanks again for your help! Regards, MikeD
  2. Brian, Copmuter is Dell Dimensions 8700 Monitor HP w2207 Windows XP Service pack 3 I tried your suggestion, unfortunately I don't have the Graphics Properties and Options that you show. I tried to upload an image (word doc) to show what I see, not sure if the attachment is there or not (I'm new to this forum and not quite up to speed on how things work).
  3. Thanks, but yes I did try that. All other applicationslook and work just fine. PTE is my only problem. Mike
  4. It's probably been a year since I've used PTE. A few months ago I replaced old 19" CRT (4:3) with 22" flat screen. I just started a new PTE project and immediately noticed the text within the buttons exceeds the button size. Additionally if I select project options, some of the screens, such as Main, do not have a scroll bar and I can see that there are options below the bottom of box that I cannot get to. I was using version 5.0, so in hopes of fixing the problem I just upgraded to version 5.52. The problem remians. I did try changing monitor settings, I even went into PTE properties and selected operate at 640 x 480. Still no help. Prior to the new monitor, everything worked fine. Any help would be appreciated. I did try several searches of this forum but came up empty, probably because I was unable to select the few key words that would have taken me previous discussions. Thanks in advance! Mike
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